Cat 05/22/2024 (Wed) 08:07 No.4382 del
Cat is appalled by the way refugees are treated but pennyless. She still feels privileged with all the equipment now. She is impressed by Gundren's generosity and wishes them good luck. But she knows there are more poor souls out there that all goods in the cart are worth.

>A mountain lion, approaching with stealth, brazenly hops onto the back of the cart. [1d4=1] Catching Yulya off guard, it lunges for her neck.
Yulya Nya!!
Cat rushes over but is too slow to do anything. She decides to sit furthermost back for the rest of the trip to look for potential attackers.

>Hey Cat, warm up the pot, I'm getting us some fresh meat !
Calculating for the expected meat Cat prepares to recook 2 rations from her pack for everyone but is startled by the panther dashing out of the tent.
Ashley Nya be more careful! Someone might shoot you if you pull that off in public Nya!