Ashley 06/04/2024 (Tue) 16:42 No.4516 del

Joy said even my babies can be used to set up a flank. She's going to limit me to three summons. Advantage doesn't stack though. I've been testing out my ralley skills and they're pretty OP for hitting frequency but still low DPT and very squishy.

I think we could plan out round by round here and really min/max it.

Joy hasn't done the "calculations" but she did have two vary's in the difficulty. She said shed make it commiserate with the reward which is already pretty high.

Remember back when we nearly maxed the reward on one rothé and it was a lot of gold. Expect that kind of challenge/potential.

So I don't want to fight rothés, that's why I want to stampede them out of there. They're firmly attached to the cart, if they run off these two dufuses lose their ace cards.

Slaves are expensive but not to the material provider as much as the government. The value of a human slave is high here but that's for a living slave in perfect mental/physical condition. These losers are damaging their own merchandise, that also makes me think they're amateur nobles from Baldur's gate with a hair-brained scheme to make some profit. Though one of them is almost surely a merchant to have rothés. That might be the silver plate.

So if we can get the rothés out of the battle and one of them is a merchant so basically a squishy commoner with good gear and the other is a noble then we're on easy street for this.

But it could also go sideways pretty easy especially if the rolls go the wrong way we should have an exit strategy for each round.

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