Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:01 No.4517 del
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>this could be hilarious or really, really bad
If we win, I promise to show you something hilarious and really, really bad you haven't seen before! Excited? Afraid?

>Alice, use that doctor strange brain of yours and if you take my in thread hint correctly this could be fun. I am not allowed to clarify any further
Maaan, I'm a 9INT alien blob with no common sense of this world and pretty sleep deprived right now IRL.

>unhook the kids
Whoopsie I wouldn't have thought about this one! I knew what wasp+rothé meant but thought I was supposed to load the kids on the cart and stampede away driving it. Nosiree, I don't want to be on a cart tugged by mad rothé. So yeah, even if we lose the cart, unchaining them is way more reasonable. I hope I can do it, my lockpicking skills aren't great and I don't have tools to break chains either. But I'm confident in my DEX.

So my idea is to sneak away using stealth, unchain kids and tell them to hide in the forest when the rothé stampede away. Then attack one of the guys from behind and try to grapple him using my blob skills. I'm not giving away everything to Joy but you could guess what nasty things slimes can do when trying to restrain you.

>These losers are damaging their own merchandise, that also makes me think they're amateur nobles
Yeah that slightly bothers me. You can't be this stupid. Aside from damaging goods, they're on the busy high road with a dozen distressed kids chained together. Everyone they encounter will raise more than an eyebrow. You'd want to keep them hidden inside the cart, not in plain view. So either they're really dumb and full of themselves or so strong / influential that they think they can get away with it. We will find out.

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