Ashley and Joy 06/04/2024 (Tue) 23:48 No.4521 del
(108.36 KB 1356x1164 303krn.jpg)
>I promise to show you something hilarious

If I die, Joy promised me something crazy.

>unchaining them

So as soon as you slink away get it done.

So Joy is allowing that you're no more than 30ft from the chain, so just walk there so you can do an action. They're distracted, so if we do this we're technically in the start of Round 1 with initiative and advantage. So you will also have advantage on whatever you need to do.

I forget if we have thieves' tools or a hammer.

Cat could also go do it and with some fancy Barbarian moves she could get 10hp at 19AC done if we need to get the chain, but she can always do that as long as you take your turn first before she does anything.

>try to grapple

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