Ashley 06/05/2024 (Wed) 11:14 No.4525 del
>hadnt thought about bane too still gotta learn all the spells and how they interact

That's why they call me the smart one.

>Emboldening bond.


I think you need to take responsibility and cast it on yourself and Cat. If this is going to work we need to plan for max DPS. Look at your offensive cantrips, save some MP for healing word, it can possibly bring one of us back awake if they down us.

Use your cantrips but I forget if you have an offensive cantrip or if your mace is better, in any case, Emboldening bond will be better suited on you.

Our primary objective is to get them to roll disadvantage on everything so that's like cutting them in half. Flank them, we have the numbers but you can only flank with weapons and ranged magic. Joy is allowing flanking for ranged I don't think that's standard. So don't get between them either, leaving Cat alone with two of them will negate their disadvantage.

Alice can't get to Cat in time so let's hope she can either unhook the chain or just start stabbing at it. If she doesn't have thieves's tools, she can't pick a lock. I doubt she'll be able to pass a strength check dc20 so abandon that one and go for punching or stabing at the chain it only has 10hp but then again AC19 even with advantage is poor. I have to run simulations. Will post. She could come up with something genius too.

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