Ashley, Lead Strategist 06/05/2024 (Wed) 22:55 No.4530 del
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>and whats the advantage of casting emboldening bond on Yulya?

"the creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. Each creature can add the d4 no more than once per turn."

I'm just saying if you do use it, maybe keeping the two tanks up is better? Alice can't die so she'll just be a puddle until the battle's over once she's downed. I'm not going anywhere near 60ft of the Ranger if I can avoid it, look up Zephyr Strike, I have 6 HP, they have magic weapons. Did you know magic weapons add to attack roll and damage, not just damage? I expect to be helping Alice get the kids free first. I don't need LOS to control my babies, it's a psychic connection.

>[Yulya] can stay behind cover

No, she can't. Did you read anything I wrote previously? I know it was a word wall but listen for a second, she needs to stop them from flanking Cat, that means two tanks on the front. She's not going to be cowering like us squishy girls, not this time and not when we have others attacking either. Back to back, keep those two separated and that's going to be hard, I suggest using the cart as a wall so they can't get behind you.

You two side by side against a wall can't be flanked.

>I think Alice profits more from it she's the second front line fighter

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