Ashley 06/07/2024 (Fri) 15:09 No.4550 del
>Why so low? More nasty surprises?

It was a joke from the video I posted.

If you can't do an action after that move its worthless because you could just run like anyone else. No you can move and take an action up to 60ft but can't do that special long move with a bonus action until you move 0ft one round. So Joy willjust have you do an action.

Also, do it with stealth?

[Joy] correct.

You can carry alice. Listen, keep the bow, carry alice 30 ft, then drop her and you can take a shot?!

Alice can then move the rest of the way. You don't have to go 0 after the tabaxi move, just before you do that move again, you can still move normally.

Also you don't need to do that, where are you going? The squares are 5 ft each, you are literally 15ft from the enemy?