Joy the DM 06/07/2024 (Fri) 15:23 No.4551 del

You didn't make the move officially but I can do it for you knowing your intent.

The move I will do is: move 40 feet Southwest to the back of the cart to rendezvous with Alice. Then have one or both of you perform the an action which is TBD. I may have choices for you.

I am expecting Yulya to distract the two enemies.

Ashley will hide and cast her summon out of sight then get ready to cast Dampen Spirit on the same turn Velma and Zelda make their hits. I'm only requiring one to hit as pack animals tend to stampede together and they both have advantage. It is virtually guaranteed.

As soon as I hear from Alice and Yulya, it'll happen.

Why do I have the Dukes of Hazard theme song in my head?

What the rothés are about to do with that cart: [Embed]