Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 16:31 No.4552 del
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>The squares are 5 ft each
god damned we are such imbeciles

jesus christ next time provide a scale like last time ffs we all assumed a square was 10ft!! It looked weird but how the fuck shall we know what a square measures? convert it to horse square?
in hindsight the horses would be 20ft long but keep in mind the funny units make no sense to us i dunno how many feet a horse is long. nobody but bera system does! i calculated that 20ft are 6m now. big horse. how could none of us notice?
so embarrassing. i actually wanted to ask what a square measures when the map was posted dunno why i forgot or i thought it was obvious. Alice was also 100% set on the 10ft when we strategized.

that changes everthing. now i know why we didnt understand Ashley and Joy. then ofc both Alice and Cat can reach the cart and perform an action. and get to the guys next turn. Cat doesnt need to carry Alice shes well within 30ft.