Alice 06/09/2024 (Sun) 22:18 No.4576 del
Just so you know, I am wearing my kitsune mask so I don't spook children. It's not my fault that the stupid AI can't render it into images. I'll keep trying. But generally assume I'm wearing the mask when in public.

But yeah, I must remember to show my copper tag so people don't run away or beat me to death. Good thing the children were smarter than me.

Do bonus actions stack?
My plan is to sneak up to the spellsword using stealth, use my action for shape self and engulf his head so he can't breathe. Classic slime move. Then as bonus unarmed strike grapple him using DEX bc I can. Theoretically the pseudopod is another bonus action but I leave it to Joy if I can use 2 bonus actions. I've read they do stack if they come from different sources. You can't do the same thing twice.
If I may, I will force my pseudopod into the spellsword's mouth and exert hydraulic pressure by grappling him, constricting my anterior end and forcing liquid into the pseudopod. You can imagine the result and it won't be pretty.
According to pascal's principle, even a small constriction of my main body's volume will greatly expand the thin pseudopod at equal force. Think of it as a reverse hydraulic jack.

>my Panther self will actually carry them off and stuff their bodies up a tree.
What a waste! Leave this to your trusted alien. I promised you something if we win, I'll keep it! You'll love it like all my final solutions. I'll need plenty of your help for it as panther! For the sake of my personal entertainment, if we win and I'm still conscious I request a little time before others arrive at the scene. You wanna have some fun, right? Right!