Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:07 No.4627 del
>what Yulya thought this game would be like
she didn't expect niggers

take your time we got no idea what to do from here. as said Yulya doesnt want to disappoint Gundren. can we at least leave him a message?
another option would be to split up but we dont think thats a good idea.

>several hours back to the stop
are the kids even in shape to walk there? Or do they fit on our cart? i dunno, these guys made the kids walk on the high road in broad view and they would have passed by the stop so they might be known or even expected there. if we show up there with the kids instead this will raise questions and someone knowing those guys we killed might inspect our cargo and find the loot. what if we take them to Phandalin?

Yulya says we should ask the kids we got no idea who they are where they are from and whats even going on. i mean we are not gonna drag them somewhere they dont want to go. but yeah we need to drop them off somewhere safe asap