Alice 06/15/2024 (Sat) 19:39 No.4636 del
>OP evil slavers didn't get to make a single move
What kind of glitch was that even? That battle was anticlimactic, not that I'm complaining mind you! I thought they would mop the floor with us rookies.
Well, if it makes you feel better, they will serve as dinner so their appearance isn't over yet. They will always be a part of us.
That said, can I finally cook and eat them now with everyone before they go bad? It's an important imagistic ritual you know!

>back at the dirty prostitute
I knew this wasn't the last time we saw her. Obviously.
So now what? If we don't want them to end up as dirty prostitutes as well, we gotta do something. A truck stop is no place for kids even an alien monster knows that

I say we report what happened to the roadmaster. Minus unimportant details ofc. But as much as the children know. Then we decide what to do. If the kids want to go to neverwinter we can take them to the orphanage there and report what happened to the guild. But it also hurts my pride to disappoint Gundren. I like that dwarf.
Can we tell the roadmaster that we need to return and that our detour should be reported to Gundren? He's probably worried we disappeared.

>Baldur's gate
Depending on Freya's opinion we can look into this, I mean duh what choice do we have if the kids ask us, but we should finish our mission for Gundren first.


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