Joy the DM 06/16/2024 (Sun) 13:42 No.4639 del
>Can Cat just wear the half-plate?
It is unmarked, standard Half-plate, you can certainly wear it or sell it.

>Won't anybody ask questions where we got that from?

Adventurers are trusted. However if you're wearing the exact outfit of one of two missing persons with the same weapons and rings, someone who knows of them might figure it out. The likelihood is very low. In other words, you're safe.

>I think the weapons are.
The +1 great sword and bow are innocuous and available for sale in the weapon shop. The short sword is somewhat unique and so that one might raise an eyebrow again if someone who knew the previous owner saw you with it. However, anyone seeing that sword on you would either be in battle with you or looting your corpse, so again likely safe.

>What do we say if anybody asks us where we got that stuff from? Found it on the road?

That's up to you, but generally speaking the likelihood of someone asking is low, selling them all to the same vendor is probably a higher likelihood of someone finding you if they were looking. Will anyone look? Even I can't say at this point.

>How much meat?
12lbs Boar meat

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