Bear 06/23/2024 (Sun) 15:32 No.4723 del

I was in an office, but it was my day job office, only it wasn't it was huge.

Well Putan, the leader of Russia, was in the same building his "country" was a "company" and he was the president of the company. He was kind of a trickster and was following me on his tiptoes, I turned and greeted him respectfully, I maintained respect and was friendly to him. He was smiling and talking like "this is my office as well."

Well, then he invaded our space and took over my office. I was packing up my computer and papers so our technology didn't fall into Russian hands and he was asking me why I was leaving. I said because this isn't our space anymore.

They literally opened a hole in the wall between my office and a storage room and expanded the storage room presumably into my office. Him and two white Russian dudes, speaking Russian, though Putin knew English.

It's fine, I simply went to another common space office and put my stuff down.

I was talking with my fictional manager who didn't think we should let him invade but also didn't believe he had succeeded, I said, "ask the Crimeans."

No hot chicks to F this time.