Never enough answers 2 (1/2) Joy the DM 06/27/2024 (Thu) 02:31 No.4773 del

>Oh god why? What do you want to hear from me! Ashley help me out instead of sleeping!

"Zzzzzzzzz z z zzz"

>Indeed we found the children on the high road near the road fork to the Triboar trail. They were chained together with shackles at necks and feet but our Cat managed to easily break the chain with her strength and free the kids.
[Deception 1d20+2=4]

Stregren strokes his beard with growing concern. [Strike 1]

>Now that you mention it there were some deep ruts at the road fork where we spotted these children. Maybe the toppled cart and the children are connected. Maybe there was an accident with the rothé and the cart left the children behind? In this case the perpetrators would likely flee back to where they came from I suppose instead of getting caught near their cart.
[Deception 1d20+2=6]

Stregren eyes Yulya cautiously. [Strike 2]

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