Cat Tales 3 Joy the DM 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:48 No.4799 del
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>they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
Freya takes note, her expression is one of mild shock.

>Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets
Freya is very distracted by the Nyas, too distracted to even notice any trace of a need for this detail.

>So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya?

"Mmh, mhm," she nods as she's thinking "there are several orphanages in Neverwinter, there shouldn't be a problem getting them placed tomorrow, what's important is they're safe, and we have plenty of room here for them tonight."

>The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange

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