Alice 07/05/2024 (Fri) 16:23 No.4867 del
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Meh I rolled 1+2 with d4+d2×4 (odds 0, evens 1). That's 5 so it makes no difference. Got 10+5+2 that's 17 HP now. I can't believe none of us manages to outroll the minimum HP gainz.

I fiddled quite a lot with my (dis)abilities, take that as suggestions and tell me what you think. The Monk rules are quite funky, I used the ones from PHB2024 you posted. My base speed increases to 40 on lv.2, Nice!

Question regarding arrows - how does 'miss lowers durability' work? We have to keep track of the durability of every single arrow? You'd have to choose which arrow quality you use with each shot. I'd rather opt for recovering a certain percentage after battle for feasibility.

.)Magic effects
Alice has no connection to the weave of magic as alien construct. Yet this form is technically alive and as such influenced by it. I propose granting a 50% chance of magic items wielded by Alice working. The Viscous form gets 25% and the Living Metal form 0%.

.)Prerequisites for evolution
I'd say at least lv5 and a number of collected items. These should include a certain amount of ores, ans metals less valuable than gold and certain plants or herbs. I'll work out more but input is welcome. There's still time.