Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:33 No.4880 del
>lvl2 17 (10 +5 +2)
>not 16.
thanks dunno how we ended up with 16

>now have passive perception of 13 but Yulya is still the highest (15)
lol her paranoia at least has some use

>We're only lv.2 iron plate rookies, not Brutus. Yulya said the same.
yeah being some op naruto or luffy character who only gets in trouble by being unbelievably stupid isnt much fun. all with moderation. we wanna grow slowly but not Bernd-tier 'i spend 5 years collecting herbs' slowly.

so my question about cleric spells and spell slots still stands. only lv1 or also lv2 spells? we gotta familiarize with them even the lv1 ones are a lot.