Yulya 07/06/2024 (Sat) 19:08 No.4881 del
(36.40 KB 512x512 631305.jpg)
>"It's been unseasonably cold lately hasn't it?" Freya remarks
Yes chilly! I am glad the kids didnt have to sleep outside tonight.
Yulya responds glad for the short distraction

>"I'll level up Yulya first. Please sit here Yulya."
Yulya trods to the chair like an animal into a slaughterhouse

>Freya sits and concentrates on the orb, "Yes, I feel her... the Lady Eldath is here."
Yulya flinches and closes her eyes as if awaiting an impact
I tried my best I tried my best not to...

>Standing before you is Eldath, frowning with darkness descending upon her as dead leaves swirl around her like a whirlwind. She's standing in nature, looking away.
''Yulya looks at the scene with awe but also worry. What is this darkness? And why autumn in spring?

>SheShe is sitting on a golden throne next to her, calm and collected. Smiling at you she crosses her legs primly. She seems to be holding your holy book, and begins looking through it with interest.

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