Level up! ~Cat~ Joy the DM 07/07/2024 (Sun) 02:32 No.4883 del
>Where... Who... How?
>What just happened?

"Confusion is normal for some, you've just leveled up, I will be getting iron plates just like mine!" She shows off her iron plate. "Congratulations! Now have a seat over there." She helps you to your feet and guides you to the table.

Freya smiles at Cat, "You're ready, good! I can already feel the Cat Lord's presence."

You both kneel and touch the orb.

She closes her eyes and when she opens them again they're glowing a soothing blue. She smiles softly, "He's happy, he's interested in what you did, I'm telling him... he wonders if you'll become a bandit and I said no." She flashes you a piercing stare, "he's quite handsome for a man. Anyway... Okay, he would like to bestow a gift upon you, he says it'll be a surprise, I'm afraid I don't know what that means. Since he frequents the material plane, it could really be anything. I told him if it's an object he could send it to the guild in Neverwinter but he declined. "

Cat feels energy surge through her and she feels stronger as a result, she feels slightly light headed but it passes quickly.

"Oh, he said he may see you soon and he's gone. I don't know what that could mean either."

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