Level Up ~Alice Intro!~ Freya 07/09/2024 (Tue) 01:42 No.4897 del
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> I am afraid we have a bigger problem than that. Much bigger!

"There's talk of another flight of dragons, and I know that's just rumor and conjecture, but if there is, another... well things might make more sense in many ways. You're right, there have been an inordinate number of reports from the south, not just yours. Goblins, raids, brazen bandits, wild animals, even heightened political turmoil, it's as if someone's cast a curse over the land, or well, what I do know of dragons is they're very intelligent, cunning, and something like gods themselves, so they like to meddle."

Possible interaction #1, good luck

She seems to be enjoying the gossip.

"I wouldn't be surprised if some villainous dragon who somehow managed to shape shift, did so just to plant seeds in the heads of nobles and paupers alike, their propensity for neurological manipulation and telepathy is well documented, but to have one shapeshift into a human or elf and still have that ability would be potentially disastrous... Well, there are others who can read thoughts and others who can manipulate thoughts, and still others..." she sighs, "who don't even need to, they predict your thoughts." She seemed to have struck a nerve in her own rant. "A very powerful ability, but annoying." She seems to have some experience in this. "That's right, I said it, it's annoying."

Possible interaction #2

She cleared her throat and fixed her hair. "Well I'm having fun, I could gab all night."

There was a knock at the door. "Hm, I think your team is back."

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