Alice 07/13/2024 (Sat) 22:36 No.4951 del
(484.12 KB 2635x1680 haha.png)
>Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Alice silently nibbles on the candy she received which slightly improves her shape but does little to lighten her mood

>The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."
Alice bursts into laughter seeing the absurd creature.''
The fuck is this? He's hilarious!

>Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside.
I guess not your type of entertainment, eh? Or you just don't like frogs?

>Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."
Ah thanks for breakfast-dessert!
Alice absorbs the dirt and slugs and hands the sparkingly clean rocks to Cat. But seeing her struggle with the twine and getting it stuck on her claws, Alice takes the matter into her own hands
Goddamned, gimme that, Cat! You handle the wax, I'll deal with fixating the rocks with twine! I can't imagine hitting anything with such crude arrows but we will see.

>As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.

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