Road Trip 1/2 Joy the DM 07/14/2024 (Sun) 01:30 No.4954 del
>Go horsies Nya!

With everything accounted for, you're off. Although it does seem a little odd that you're the only ones leaving you push it out of your mind. A little stronger, a little wiser, you still have a good attitude and race off toward the rest stop.

Cat pushes the horses as fast as their willing to pull. [1d20+3=18] With a good pace, roughly 3.8 mph, the horses will make it to the rest stop before 18:00.
[1d20=12 The light rain remains steady but the temperature slowly rises.]

[1d20=16,16,1 Roughly 12 miles south 11:00] [1d30=16] [1d20=12] A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
[1d20+5=10] Yulya's watchful eyes see nothing unusual.

[Possible interaction #1]

[1d20=15,17,18,20 27 miles south 15:00] [1d100=5,97] Regardless of the rain, ever riding on the upper canvas top, Ashley spots something behind a tree ahead. She hops down and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx. As she's moving cautiously toward the roughly humanoid shaped object, she knows there's something fishy. With a large wave of her hands and a word of command, a beautiful cybernetic Lynx pops into existence. The sound is louder than it has been in the past and the horses jump a bit from the unexpected noise. Ashley herself is startled by the creature running beside her but smiles as she knows it's not only friendly but a strong ally. Though she looked like a regular lynx, Ashley could see glints of metal under her fur.

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