Fare Travels Joy the DM 07/15/2024 (Mon) 20:53 No.4986 del
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>Off we go Nya!
>I hope we don't have to rescue someone again Nya!

>Soo cold! Yulya give me your blanket!

>I wonder where Sir Gundren is he must be worried. I hope we at least meet him in Phandalin. And maybe he can make sense of that strange dwarven message.

>Lets go, I wonder what other strange things we will encounter on this road. It is full of surprises.

>unseasonably cold, 6C

Ashley talks to the group atop the canvas, "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."

[Possible Interaction #1]

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