GOBLIN AMBUSH! Round 2 Joy the DM 07/20/2024 (Sat) 00:50 No.5050 del
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>Cat enters RAGE and uses RECKLESS ATTACK to strike the goblin that injured her with her longsword. She uses CLEAVE to hit the second goblin flanking her too.

[1d20+7=(9,9) vs AC15] Note: Cleave only is allowed if the first attack you make hits. You rolled advantage and got double 2's Cat misses the Goblins! Cat will now take damage with advantage next round due to reckless attack.

Headache puppy falls supine to limit exposure on top of the cart and gains 3/4 cover, then calls Rally Growth again, boosting Helena and Helga [Helena AC+2, Helga AC+1 +50% damage]
Helga and Helena position themselves to flank and both attack with claw. [1d20+4=(15,17)(19,13)] [CON 1d20=16,10 vs DC14] They both hit, and Goblin 2 fails his constitution save so Golbin 1 takes &[1d4+2x1.5=6] and Goblin 2 takes [1d4+3=4x1.5=6] damage. Goblin 1 goes down, Goblin 2 is hurt but still very much engaged.

>Alice uses Flurry of Blows (2 unarmed strike bonus attacks, 1DP) and jumps Goblin #4 to stab him with her spear 2-handed. Alice will keep attacking with her bonus attacks until the Goblin is down and then move on to Goblin #3 to continue attacking there

[1d20+4=19,9] Alice punches the goblin closest to her using flurry of blows as a bonus action and lands one good punch for &[1d6+2=6] damage. She hits his glass jaw and he's down for the count. Note: There is only one bonus action of this type allowed per turn.

Alice then jumps down to flank Goblin 3 and attacks with her spear [1d20+4=(9,15) vs DC15] and hits for I placed you in flanking position with Yulya because I could and it's the most advantageous move for the moment. if you disagree with this tell me where you want to attack from and you missed the hit. [1d6+2=3] damage. Goblin 3 is injured but shrugs it off.


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