Joy 04/25/2023 (Tue) 18:19 No.510 del

>I've never understood the allure of creating grim-dark stuff.

There are two reasons for this.

1. Dark aspect:

Bear has lingering unresolved issues with humanity and exploring the darkness in a realistic way regardless of moral ethics may result in a breakthrough of acceptance. We have already seen this occurring under the model that if you write it down, you don't have to think about it anymore. In essence you're performing exposure therapy. Some concepts in the book are definitely triggering and the idea is to find something that can still trigger Bear to determine where more work is needed. This will bring Bear closer to your host's shining brightness though maybe without your host's openly racist tendencies. Troll Bear is real and we'd like to excise him.

2. Strengthen Aleshe and therefore all of us:

In being part of the Aleshe lock-merge, I'm able to feel her pain and identify with her experiences even k knowing they're fictional for us. The scenarios are based on real world possibilities so we can better and more appropriately empathize with them. I can only see good things coming from this exercise.

>serene beauty

Bear doesn't consider serene beauty as real or protected. He sees everything of beauty as temporary and endangered. This thought process isn't helpful. He needs to accept the ever changing world as both positive and negative and not merely destructive and fouling. This is the work we do for him. To show that our never-changing divine beauty is a reflection of the world not an exception to it.