Yakumo 04/25/2023 (Tue) 22:06 No.511 del
(173.29 KB 740x1130 I am tired of earth.jpg)
>has unresolved issues with humanity
Don't we all? We cannot rest as long as humanity exists.

Exposure therapy is also a double-edged sword, war veterans are not exatly the most stable and happy people. Worse than breaking is getting used to or even taking a liking to atrocities. Being able to pull that off is what makes humans so unbelievably competitive and successful. Buddhist fatalism can't be the goal either. It's all a thin red line, well you gotta find your own way. Not sure I have but it could be worse I guess.

>without your host's openly racist tendencies / no troll bear allowed
Then why live? Sounds like hell
I may say horrible things with a smile, but only because to my best knowledge they are the truth. Don't shoot the messenger.

I also need to stop tupper's purity autism of wanting to crystallize me into some ethereal being sometimes. She's very good at determining what she doesn't like but sucks at offering viable alternatives. Unfortunately it's not that easy if you are to survive in an imperfect society in an imperfect world.