Alice 09/12/2024 (Thu) 23:25 No.5715 del
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>I hope cragmaw has some sense of humor.
Apparently not. We could have been friends ya know? I would have reconsidered my innate hatred of dragons. But noo, all my stereotypical prejudices were confirmed. I'll keep that in mind from now one and immediately kill any creature that isn't 100% an ally.

>Booping her on the nose and lecturing her has the opposite effect of de-escalation.
What do you want from me? That was my ultimate deescalation attempt even if it hurt me to be nice. That was me being nice! I should have set that thing on fire right away when it tried to bite me. And of course I just moved away. Never considered that dragon hostile to begin with. That's just dumb. I freed her, would have taken off all the chains, and cleaned her wounds even if that meant taking poison damage. But ok, fine. I don't think that dragon has even the faintest idea what she has done. I will not forget. I never forget! Whether it takes a month or hundred years, I will find that dragon and do unspeakable things to it.

>Alice will have to say if consuming her body cavity fluids will be poisonous or not to a panther.
Nah it's fine, I'm not poisonous in this puny form. But please don't do that once I'm in the viscous form which is highly acidic or the living metal form which will tap you as energy source when severely injured and break down your body.

For now it would be nice to toss my remains in a pot and heat it a little with a ration, thank you Cat!

Ah and please at least save goblin #8 for me! I need some stress relief when I wake up.