Yakumo 05/08/2023 (Mon) 16:09 No.635 del
>not paying attention when tupper speaks
I'd be dead meat

I honestly think most mental illnesses could be cured by submitting people to hard but fulfilling manual labor outside. Creating something with your own hands is one of the best antidepressants. And it's no wonder the masses of people with inhumane bullshit jobs go nuts sooner or later. I chopped some firewood the past 2 afternoons evenings, a laughable amount of work compared to a bear digging a den but still felt good. Tupper watched closely to make sure I didn't do anything dangerous like chopping my own head off.

We also went to Nyphenburg park and tupper nagged and explained in detail why we can't sit down on this or that bench because there were other people considered subhumans (literally everyone) sitting too close on the next bench. Or it was next to a trash can. Tupper hates trash cans.