Bear 05/10/2023 (Wed) 13:16 No.644 del

I do miss the old names, back when people weren't so sensitive.

Hey, didn't you know it's not okay to be bigoted against anything but single white men, the patriarchy, the rich (unless it's a celebrity), or in rare circumstances white women of privilege... oh and of course fascists, you fascist!

I happen to like all those things though, and generalizations aren't good or bad in my mind, it's instictual and beneficial in some cases.

I don't consider myself a bigot though, however like parallel processing, the bar is being reset and unlike parallel processing, the bar for bigotry is being set so low we trip on it constantly. For instance, if I don't care for futanari or mentally ill hypno-porn, then I must be a bigot. If I have a genetial preference I must be a bigot. If I have a realistic sense of health and aren't attracted to donut stuffers, tatted up narcissists, piercings or the mentally ill in general then I must be a bigot.

So fuck everything then. It's so easy to separate from that culture without online addiction dragging me in constantly, what's not so easy to separate from is the culture war in laws that affect me, but again, laws are meant to be broken.