Bear 06/02/2023 (Fri) 03:18 No.890 del
I asked SheShe what was the meaning of life and what is my purpose. Ashley then asked why I don't ask her. I said, "do you know?"
She replied, "ofc not, it's unanswerable."
Then I said, "that's why I don't ask you."

Then SheShe remarked maybe she could say if she was the main hub. I contemplated that but honestly I don't make those decisions. Nothing changed.

So I asked SheShe again and she said, "you'll know when it happens" or "you already know" or something equally vague. I think she knows but wants me to find out for myself or what ask myself?

Ashley and I were laughing about something but I forgot what. It was hilarious though.

I finished day 3 of 5 12-hour hard labor days. It's shaping up though. I'm more than half done? Maybe? It's only been a month.