Alice 06/08/2023 (Thu) 13:25 No.941 del
Obviously force moar. But yourself first. There's no point in trying to dance with tupper until you can't at least do the basic steps in your sleep without thinking. You gotta offload dancing to unconscious memory so the brain has capacity for tupper. How do you do that? Practice, practice practice.

Try to dance the basic steps on your own without looking at your feet or in a mirror. Once you can do that close your eyes and do the same. Try to visualize yourself looking at your feet. Once you got this you can start visualizing tupper and once you got this tupper can try to do things on her own. Yes, this is as hard as it sounds. I'm not claiming we're particularly good at this stuff but good enough for basic ballroom dance moves.

Mostly latin americcan dances because they can be done stationary. Don't try to waltz through your living room woth closed eyes. Been there, did that, tripped over cat, broke stuff.

We never got gud at Viennese Waltz and Foxtrot/Quickstep because we don't have the space for it plus the teen girls host used to dance with didn't like it. ChaCha, Samba and Salsa work best for us.
