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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

more fake meat insanity Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:55 Id: 358e31 [Preview] No. 92167 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
now they want to add animal DNA into GMO soy
>In June 2023, Moolec revealed that it had inserted genes from pigs into soy plants in order to make soybeans that expressed porcine proteins. The experiments were carried out at the company’s greenhouses in Wisconsin. In some of the soybeans, over a quarter of the soluble proteins were identified as pig. It’s not quite the bleeding soybean that he first imagined, but Palidini was still impressed with just how much pig protein his soybeans seemed to produce. The beans have a pinky hue and a meaty taste, he says, though the company is still awaiting a full analysis of their nutritional qualities. Next year, Paladini hopes to take the soybeans to outdoor field trials in Wisconsin.

Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:56 Id: 358e31 [Preview] No.92168 del
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Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 09:15 Id: 4d9b15 [Preview] No.92408 del
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No fing way is this the original

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Jews Still Angry About When The ‘Nazis’ Burned Their Gay Porn Stash in 1933 Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 08:35 Id: eaa364 [Preview] No. 92265 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ninety years have passed since the National Socialist took steps to protect German society by burning “troves” of pornographic Jewish “scientific literature” which attempted to normalize sexual deviancy — including books on “pioneering” gender mutilation surgeries — yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned — and why they themselves are the root cause of “antisemitic” reactions to their behavior, according to a recent article in the Jewish Forward [Read that whining and moaning quote in the article if you so wish]. So, in other words, Jews think the “Nazis” burned these degenerate books merely to “celebrate” their rise to power — and it had nothing to do with the content of those books. It never occurs to Jews that when our societies were still sane, gender dysphoria and homosexuality were scientifically-recognized emotional and psychological disorders that require serious medical attention. Instead of giving these people the treatment they need, the Jews champion Magnus Herschfeld as some sort of “hero” for insisting these suffering individuals are “normal” — and then they become “shocked” when people don’t want to go along with their homo-gaslighting.

Jews — by their own admission — have a much higher incidence of mental disorders than the general public — and not surprisingly have a much higher rate of homosexuality — hardly a coincidence since they go hand-in-hand. Many studies have been done showing that homosexuals often suffer from pathological levels of narcissism — so it should come as no surprise that Jews see Israel as a “haven” for homosexuals and other sexual deviants. In fact, one recent study found that a whopping one-third of the Israeli population identifies as “bisexual” — and considering less than 2% of the general population in western nations identifies as “gay”, it appears that Jews are vastly over-represented in the “gay movement”. From its beginnings, the “gay” or “LGBT” movement in America — and in all western countries — has been dominated by Jews https://christiansfortruth.com/gay-jewish-senator-to-change-ca-law-that-discriminates-against-lgbt-pedophiles-and-predators/ — just as the “women’s movement” has been dominated by bitter Jewish lesbians and bisexuals. And ‘gay porn’ was not only a product of deviant Jewish minds in Weimar, Germany https://christiansfortruth.com/how-the-jews-of-weimar-germany-ensured-the-rise-of-national-socialism/ — today, the largest producers of gay porn in America just so happen to be ‘a nice Jewish couple’ — Barry and Karen Mason. https://christiansfortruth.com/meet-the-nice-jewish-couple-who-happen-to-be-the-largest-distributors-of-gay-pornography-in-america/

When the “refugee crisis” hit Europe, Jewish pornographers started producing “refugee porn” to specifically appeal to the prurient interests of the Muslim invaders. https://christiansfortruth.com/jewish-pornographers-turn-migrant-rape-crisis-in-germany-into-a-lucrative-sm-fetish/ Nor should it surprise us that the largest owner of pornographic movie theaters in New York City was Chelly Wilson — a Jewish lesbian and alleged “Holocaust survivor”. https://christiansfortruth.com/meet-the-lesbian-holocaust-survivor-who-became-new-york-citys-porn-theater-kingpin/ As British historian — David Irving — once pointed out to a Jew during a lecture, “If you hadn’t behaved the way you have as a race for 3,000 years, first the Russians, then the Poles, then the Galicians, then the Austrians and the rest wouldn’t have harried and hounded you from pillar to post so you end up finding yourselves at Auschwitz. And you’ve never asked yourselves, “Why?”

Obviously, Chilly Wilson never asked herself “why” she and her family ended up in a German concentration camp — otherwise, she wouldn’t have used her new-found freedom to start a pornographic empire in America and create more “antisemitism” all over again. Tone deafness is epidemic among Jews — blind to their own hypocrisy.
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Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 01:44 Id: 335ec9 [Preview] No.92383 del
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I guess I'm just trying to show you that I'm on your side, and that I even recognize that Jewish supremacy is bullocks. One's only a true Israelite when they have faith in God and are an example to the world. After all, the Bible calls us "true Israelites", if we indeed have true faith in God. That's probably where the "whites were the real Jews" stuff comes from.

As a matter of fact, I would spit on every last one of the diabolical sons of Sat*n that have been poisoning, brainwashing, oppressing and stealing from most of the world (yet claim to be God's chosen people), if I had the chance... If that would help anything. But Jesus shows me again and again that I'm just as bad in my heart as anyone. Don't get me wrong, those monsters still deserve to hang. At least the banker-merchant war-mongering drug-dealing blackmailing (((F***masons))) among them do. In fact if I saw one irl I'd probably give them a nice punch to the face anyway, even though I know I deserve one just as much... And it's not just because (I'm growing more and more sure that) I'm like 1/4 (((Sephardic))) or something, (hence first picrel, it tears me up inside - in fact that took some courage to admit) (on top of the fact that I'm a NEET in a middle class household with food, clothing, housing and running water in one of the safest places in the world, not to mention my ass being saved for so much of my bullshit over the years by the fact that I have "Autism")

God bless you all, brothers.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 06:20 Id: eaa364 [Preview] No.92390 del
>It's disingenuous as hell.
Right. And you said you smell a goblin when misunderstanding me in the /SIG/ thread. We're about even there. I'm a cranky middle aged man and suspicious by years of dealing with shills. I know we're on the same side.

>I do NOT agree that the Catholic church is any better.
Very true. It's not since Vatican II (the second Vatican Council) sought modernization. Now they're compromised cucks to jews. It goes the same for many organizations that used to be anti jew. Including many modern churches. You're lucky you know of an anti jew pastor. The local pastor a mixed mulatto bitch sold me on happened to be an actual kike not only lying "jews weren't guilty" for Jesus's death but caught him shit talking Jesus behind closed doors. They sure loved to sing El Shaddai at that church. Many have been banned on this board for attempting to smear Jesus/Christianity - and why? Simply because jews have an intense hatred of that religion and we are anonymous. The parasites must be rooted out. Lashing out at Christianity has always been suspicious, as Orthodox kikes factually WILL spit on the ground at it's mention. Any true jew hater focuses on Judaism and cuts the crap. This you should know about end/pol/
>Ancient Israelites
They were white, anon. The title of Israelite, the Christian religion, every ideal such as Socialism or Communism - all have been stolen and corrupted by jews. Jews claim these as their own. Socialism originated from Mazdak the Zoroastrian, falsely stolen by jews. It was a simplicity in economic revival. Communism originated from Victor d'Hupay, a simplicity incorporating actual communes but has been twisted into the monstrous form of bullshit it is today as jews claim Marx falsely as the origin. I've already covered that Christianity was not originally in Hebrew. The greatest lie by jews is that they're the chosen people, the Israelites. You and I both know they're frauds and Khazars. Everything has been stolen from Aryan people. This includes Israel - by the satanic star bearing kikes.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 06:23 Id: eaa364 [Preview] No.92391 del
The one thing we need to stop doing is claiming ancient Israelites as jews. Modern churches need to cut the shit as well. Jew is a term for the false parasites that stole their identity and have been corrupting our world. God, furious with Israel for this, is prophesied to strike them all down. I know Ezekiel as a future prophecy because it has not happened yet. "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel."

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 11:39 Id: eaa364 [Preview] No.92397 del
(656.67 KB 1600x1092 ancient Phoenician.gif)
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>Tell me, between the Greeks and the people of the Levant, who got their alphabet from who?
The reference always leads back to Herodotus who was declared a liar by Ctesias and Plutarch. Look at these side by side. Don't trust modern (((official))) historians for anything. (((They))) will always try to claim they're the first. It strokes their ego. Makes them feel like they're more important than the shriveled, sad and vile little lying beasts they are. As they're frequently riddled with genetic diseases and dying early like plagued rats.

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 08:31 Id: 335ec9 [Preview] No.92407 del
>Reads your post
You alright, anon. Sorry about that.
>The one thing we need to stop doing is claiming ancient Israelites as jews.
Right, my bad. Even the Bible says the lineage is
>Abraham → Issac → Jacob/Israel → Judah (and 11 others),
>Judah → Abraham and everyone descended from him
as (((they))) claim, though they're mostly not even descended from Judah.
And even though after that (the tribes of) Judah and Benjamin survived as a nation, they still rejected Jesus THE OBVIOUS MESSIAH in favour of (((Babylonian Kaballah Satanists disguised as Pharisees and Sadducees))), and thus got (rightly) kicked out in AD 70 to be mixed with the Gentiles they so hated... And then got lost in the mire of the Khazars (and maybe some other places) as a result.
Those are some nice pictures, anon.
>The reference always leads back to Herodotus who was declared a liar by Ctesias and Plutarch.
The reference to the Phoenician alphabet? In my defense, what I was trying to get at was that the Phoenicians were Samaritan/Canaanite, not that they were (((Jewish))), (either Judean OR Khazar), I was only trying to understand where you were coming from. I think we understand each other better anon, this was a good thread. I was only trying to say that,
(though traitors (the vast majority of ancient) Judah chose to be to the Messiah, which is why of the 12 disciples, JUDAS (cognate with Judah) was the traitor, I think Jesus chose 12 disciples on purpose, just as God chose to give Jacob 12 sons that would inherit Israel)
Judah, (the actual Semitic tribe) was still _related_ to the other 11 tribes, whose ancestors adopted the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Of course they had already adopted a lot of (((Babylonian))) stuff and turned their backs on God by the time Jesus came, but they weren't Khazarian Turks masquerading as Semites at that point.

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Welp... Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 13:43 Id: 09745e [Preview] No. 91828 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Looks like the most dangerous imageboard humanity has ever seen is on it again... that site is REALLY full of groomers to the point of backing literal MAP pedos
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Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 09:07 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.92008 del
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I should add - a Leftist won't accept the definition no matter how many times you explain it. No matter what Giovanni Gentile, the creator of Fascism, said about it. They're stubbornly retarded. Only THEIR meanings count. Everyone else is wrong even when they're clearly fucking wrong. And they don't just do this about their politics. They pull this shit for everything they ever talk about. Something that didn't happen in Game of Thrones? Fuck you, it happened because the Lefty said so. Something is clearly made for females? Fuck you, it was made for males because the Lefty said so. Always the same with them. This is also the reason they'll never unify. The idiots stubbornly can't agree on even the smallest, most insignificant bullshit. It makes Leftists nothing but obnoxious twats.

Pandering Corporations unfortunately listen to them because they're the loudest minority of voices promoting trash when everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:27 Id: 09563e [Preview] No.92018 del
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Even Santa Claus isn't free from the Left's immature black and white worldview!

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:42 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.92019 del
1650s - Father Christmas
1773 - Saint A. Claus
A fucking ethno-state? What, with just Santa and Ms. Claus? He has beginnings from the Dutch Sinter Niklaas from Sinterklass when Saint Nicholas fed hungry children. How retarded does someone have to be to think 'Elves' is derogatory? They're the classiest of the fictional characters. That said, the entire thing is an obvious shitpost. Tongue in cheek. Someone thinks they're clever with parodies over there.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:01 Id: 04c515 [Preview] No.92385 del
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(((Leftypol))) BTFO lmao

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:08 Id: 04c515 [Preview] No.92386 del
I fkn love Ay Tone

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Sneederman 09/18/2022 (Sun) 03:46 Id: 3121b1 [Preview] No. 88535 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Political Webms
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Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 01:47 Id: 01301e [Preview] No.92359 del
The irony is that Germany treated other races _better_ than the US at that time. How the hypocritical WWII soldiers would recoil if they knew how (((they))) are using (the scum among) non-whites as pawns to wipe out the white man

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 01:51 Id: 01301e [Preview] No.92360 del
This one's my favorite, the distortion over the happy merchant's diatribe is top kek material

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 02:14 Id: 01301e [Preview] No.92361 del
Personally for whatever reason I only ever saw 1 webm of the guy, glad to see more. Giga-based

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 02:29 Id: 01301e [Preview] No.92362 del
Based Sigma chad doesn't stop spitting facts when the retard beta woman (probably one of (((them)))) starts saying "Surr! Surr! Surr!" at 1:50

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:56 Id: 2b7134 [Preview] No.92370 del
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Imagine being a glownigger at anime convention

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 06:18 Id: afe2e6 [Preview] No. 92363 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A Message for racist nazi ytbois who ban spadesons

You sound like your native language is Hebrew and like you're a flaming faggot.

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 09:35 Id: c3f3b1 [Preview] No.92369 del
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>The accent
Okay that checks out as jewish, under the saw please it will sting around 5 times

How to survive (((tech))) Anonymous 06/26/2021 (Sat) 11:11 Id: 3a6568 [Preview] No. 84904 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Imagine a degenerate wasting 4 hours a day watching youtube, what a waste, a controlled creature of instinct and hedonism. I was this creature years ago and I come to tell you it wasn't nice.
If you browse image boards for half an hour a day, don't own a smartphone, and understand the degeneracy of modern entertainment, this guide may have a little good information, but it won't change your life.


>What do I do?
* Stop using a smart-phone, this is critical.
* Stop using social media, or minimize their use.
* Avoid FAGMANS: Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Samsung.
* Only use secure, encrypted, foss, chat apps for communication. Email is not secure.
* Get rid of smart-watches, and smart-tvs, etcetera. If it has an internet connection, it is evil.
* Get rid of supermarket discount cards and membership cards of any kind.
* Don't get a genetic test.
* Use uBlock origin to mitigate tracking.

>What is the problem?
* You are being data-mined.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 05:51 Id: 386363 [Preview] No.89170 del
We'll all be living in caves after everything is outlawed, but then you can be sure that living in caves will soon be banned in order to protect endangered bats.

Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 05:11 Id: 624c25 [Preview] No.90600 del
Is this up to date in terms of what can be used to protect your privacy?

Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 06:57 Id: 41699d [Preview] No.90601 del
Doubtful. (((They))) have made great strides in deceiving and spying since then.

Anonymous 06/13/2023 (Tue) 16:39 Id: dda78f [Preview] No.90609 del
One of the best opsec tips is simply FORWARD SECRECY. Only tell people what you want them to know (or deceptively believe) what you want them to. As toxic as it may sound, little white lies here and there can throw of a good witch hunt too.

Here is a thread from /b/ about OPSEC (OP was well meaning but very naive but comments are very good):


Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:18 Id: 7f8313 [Preview] No.92352 del
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>Anti (((Surveillance Phone)))

White House Government Pussies Flee Pro Palestinian Protest Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 13:43 Id: 490b1f [Preview] No. 92235 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Last night, non-essential personnel were reportedly evacuated from the White House due to a massive pro-Palestinian protest.

"MASSIVE CROWDS chanting "F*ck Joe Biden" outside the White House! 🇺🇸" - Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis
"🚨🇺🇸🇵🇸 The White House has been EVACUATED of non-essential staff due to a LARGE pro-Palestinian protest across the street. I personally witnessed several snipers on the roof of the White House." - Jackson Hinkle
"RIGHT NOW🚨: Protesters are throwing bloodied baby dolls at the White House. Israel has murdered 12,000 children in 3 months on purpose." - Syrian Girl
"⚡ 🇺🇸 The White House: Protestors have breached the reinforced gate and riot police have confronted them - other protestors began scaling the fence" - Megatron

Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 13:44 Id: 490b1f [Preview] No.92236 del
"🇵🇸🇺🇲 White House staff were evacuated after the start of pro-Palestinian protests that took place yesterday, Fox News reports. The video shows that people approached the fence that surrounds Biden’s residence, began to shake it and chant their slogans. - ISZ reports"

There are “conservatives” whining about this saying that they’re insurrectionists etc.. and that if they had MAGA hats on they’d all be arrested. Why do they care? These protesters are doing great political damage to the ZOG regime. I hope this continues regardless of whatever political disagreements I may have with them. In fact, I would find it very funny if these people overthrew the United States government.


Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 17:57 Id: d47c5d [Preview] No.92310 del
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>People finally waking up against (((The White Whorse)))
About fkn time, smh

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Understanding National Socialism Arminius 07/28/2021 (Wed) 17:38 Id: 505c74 [Preview] No. 85077 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey so I got a few questions just to clear up a couple things that some people say about national socialism as well as my general thoughts on things in general.

So I guess I start from the beginning the way I view a nation as it should be is as a garden where the government acts to grow a strong and powerful people. In that garden anything can grow which represents the myriad of talents with the strongest being allowed to propagate themselves and the weaker allowed to attempt but inevitably fail. In the propagation of the strongest both the people and nation benefit however there must be a recognition of the weak and the strong and that there are different weaknesses and strengths. I have talked to some people who say that if they were to ever get power they would institute universal basic income which I think just incentivizes laziness.

I guess what I'm trying to clear up do the people here believe in a hierarchy or do they believe everyone is equal?
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Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 03:29 Id: cc8648 [Preview] No.92252 del
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Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 10:58 Id: 204715 [Preview] No.92256 del
> You can't argue against facts
riddle me with this laddy
how could gestapo manage to be a secret police doing at the same time all tasks of standart police forces SD and abwehr with budget that was nothing compared to mentioned higher
riddle me with this how could Hitler invent "concentration camps" when rotschild and co had them in 1905?

Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 10:59 Id: 204715 [Preview] No.92257 del
and most importantly
how its possible to achieve around 2 milion kills of certain ethnicity more than was a whole europe if i am generous to count nations outside of axis camp

Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 16:33 Id: b8f98e [Preview] No.92260 del
why is NS superior in economy? and why does Marxism fail to address the rights of the workers where it supposed to actually support them? I know NS worked really well especially on addressing the welfare of the workers and businessmen, that's why there was an economic miracle

Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 05:08 Id: cc8648 [Preview] No.92261 del
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Because they cast off interest and became unchained from the world's banks with their own money. Money backed not by gold nor silver, but by the efforts of labor. It was a time when workers where appreciated for holding up the nation's economy. Finding respect for workers these days is like finding a fucking unicorn.

NYPD Finds Illegal Tunnels Under Jew Organization Building Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 08:00 Id: 4a100e [Preview] No. 92179 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around. All sorts of insane footage was recorded. Chabad, the Hasidic Jewish sect, has secret tunnels that were discovered under their headquarters in NYC, and are now being shut down by the NYPD. Arrests are being made. Riot broke out as NYPD attempted to fill tunnels with cement. Why would Jews would have numerous stained mattresses contained within a series of tunnels under Chabad World Headquarters in the Brooklyn, New York Synagogue? Those mattresses should be forensically analyzed for sure. WHAT were the Jews doing in those tunnels?
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Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 02:01 Id: 203871 [Preview] No.92190 del
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Definitely trafficking and ritual related no doubt. This opportunity should be used for propaganda regardless of the reason. When you think of underground tunnels it is always associated with crime and bad doings. The damage control has been entertaining to watch. It went viral so quickly.

Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 16:49 Id: a1afa4 [Preview] No.92191 del
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and my favourite as its sort of relevant
why this exists to begin with
>Definitely trafficking and ritual related no doubt.
funny thing is they cope with their propaganda that these tunnels are and i quote "covid tunnels to dodge lockdowns"

Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 17:03 Id: a1afa4 [Preview] No.92193 del
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also remember nobody can bullshit that stained childs matress with that blood stain as we know what happens with blood when oxidizing

Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 19:35 Id: 4a100e [Preview] No.92194 del
>blood when oxidizing
Yes, those of us who have lived with women while on their periods.
>"covid tunnels to dodge lockdowns"
Yet the tunnels were made after the lockdowns. It's sad that the one thing which comes natural to them isn't even skilled. Lying. Kikes' lies always have holes.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:27 Id: a1afa4 [Preview] No.92213 del
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>Low effort hasbara
Oh well under the saw please

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Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 01:09 Id: 04ca51 [Preview] No. 91815 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
how do we end islam?
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Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 12:28 Id: 084732 [Preview] No.91919 del
(135.03 KB 771x614 Israeli plans.jpg)
It's funny how parallel your plans are with Israel. Bet it's just a (((coincidence))) though, amirite? Jews are the enemies here. Stop this distraction bullshit.

sage sage 12/14/2023 (Thu) 22:19 Id: 9ec02f [Preview] No.91934 del
Cool troll thread OP

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 19:01 Id: 26ba09 [Preview] No.91974 del
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Be the change you want to see.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 16:37 Id: 018948 [Preview] No.92214 del
By kicking out the jews that brought them in

sage sage 01/14/2024 (Sun) 10:02 Id: 084732 [Preview] No.92227 del
This. There really is no other way. You can't fight the hoards without first shutting the gates. You can't shut the gates without expelling the (((gate keepers))) who keep them open.