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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever! Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 23:23 Id: 7bcfbc [Preview] No. 91167 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

“The Federal Government is evil, My son. Its aim is to destroy the people in various ways. It is setting up the New World Order. Controlled by Satan, it will work all evil in the Earth. It especially wants to set up the Antichrist to destroy God’s people. It wants them gone. Controlled by Satanists, it works all evil in the Earth. The New World Order is Satan’s reign on Earth. I will put a stop to that. I Am the Great Potentate, Ruler of All the Earth. My enemy Satan belongs in the Lake of Fire. I will put him there forever. He will not challenge Me anymore through the kingdoms of men. They will all suffer Satan’s fate in the Lake of Fire, My son. All who challenge Me shall suffer eternal loss in the Lake of Fire. Your government has got to go. It will destroy itself, My son. It won’t have the money to function anymore. I will destroy it. Nevermore will it function in the kingdoms of men. I will eliminate it from the Earth! I Am God! No one will challenge Me! They will all end with their fate in the Lake of Fire forever. Nobody will challenge Me and get away with it. I Am God, the Great High Ruler, the Ruler of All. Satan’s days are numbered. He hasn’t long on the Earth. I will round him up through My angels and have him cast into the Bottomless Pit. Forever he shall roast in the Lake of Fire. All who challenge Me with their New World Order shall be cast into Hell, and then into their abode in the Lake of Fire forever. All who follow Satan to set up his New World Order in the Earth shall be gathered up and cast into the burning Pit forever. In the Lake of Fire, they shall abide forever, roasting in ceaseless fire forever. That is the fate of all who follow Satan My enemy, and try to set up their New World Order. I will punish all who go astray after Satan, My enemy. All shall be punished forever in the burning Lake of Fire. Into the Pit they shall go until their Day of Judgment before Me. Then they shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire. That is the fate of all who follow Lucifer, My enemy, the fallen angel. I will punish him forever. Count on it! I Am the Supreme God, the Eternal Potentate, Ruler of All. Follow Me, not Satan, foolish humans. Your God has spoken. Amen.”
4 posts omitted.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:53 Id: 698157 [Preview] No.91559 del
You are fat and you smell bad.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:54 Id: 8559ff [Preview] No.91560 del
And prayer is but the reflection of ambition. If the Christian God had not been eliminated from this universe, his answer to your prayers would be the next Great Flood, for only in death you can become closer to god. Such is your degenerate, life-denying, existence-despising faith. It is not even a faith so much as it is an anti-faith against the integrity of the human species--and that alone is based on the lack of your individual integrity.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:55 Id: 8559ff [Preview] No.91561 del
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Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 06:52 Id: 57247e [Preview] No.91566 del
Ok. Different anon here. That pyramid of yours is impossible on an imageboard. "Supporting evidence" may only be presented through infographs and not for personal claims. Evidence is solid, tangible. This right here is of course only text. Only words.
For example, the following can only be a contradiction to your original claim (which also lacks any supporting evidence, mind you): My life is against degeneracy. Being a true National Socialist is so by it's very nature. I do not deny life nor despise existence. What I despise are the degenerate life and existence rejecting parasites. Nations, cultures and traditions are the backbones of everyone's lives, yet jewish cockroaches wish to and are succeeding at destroying them all.

Christianity is not the only moral compass. While Hitler appreciated Christianity and divorced it from the lies of jews claiming that as their own (Greek language is the origin), I would rather prop up the Aesir. Odin. Asgard. Fighting to achieve Valhalla with no fear of death. A pacifist religion is getting us nowhere. The problem with many Odinists is how they spend their time focusing on the wrong enemy. A future war against the entire jewish race is necessary and inevitable.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 07:46 Id: 8559ff [Preview] No.91567 del
>That pyramid of yours is impossible on an imageboard
The person it was intended lacks the ability to form critical arguments and needed the diagram to become a more effective communicator.

>your original claim (which also lacks any supporting evidence, mind you)
The ultimate goal of Christianity is heavenly salvation, thus denial of the present world.

For sake of respect though, such zealots do a good job preserving history, like music, writing, etc.

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Anonymous 10/11/2023 (Wed) 16:33 Id: ccc13a [Preview] No. 91200 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism, make being Jewish illegal, burn grown up Jews, impale Jewish children with in Jewish ritual butchered cocks on donkey dicks as well as Anglo-Judeans, Muslim shit-skins and with in Jewish ritual cock-butchered mutts, make love to cunny, end Satanism !
15 posts and 19 images omitted.

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:04 Id: 9ce80d [Preview] No.91356 del
Nobody here says that Trump coming back is worse than Biden or Kamala. The main point about him is that he's a quarter jew Zionist piece of shit who will gladly wear a yarmulke and went against the entire anti immigration stance during his presidency that he promised before his presidency.

Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 09:53 Id: 90d5c6 [Preview] No.91378 del
Don't keep all of your guns in one place. Spread them out today. Bury one in the yard. Keep one at the home of a friend. Put one in the attic.

Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 15:11 Id: 9ce80d [Preview] No.91379 del
>Let your children find them
>children shoot each other
>AIDSkike rubs his hands together

Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 02:13 Id: a3a769 [Preview] No.91547 del
hi it is me again
i am back
let us talk as soon as possible
do you have the time

Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 04:35 Id: 9ce80d [Preview] No.91551 del
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The point of imageboards is to talk. The best part about a slow one like this is - someone can respond to you when they do have free time. So talk.

Synthetic Telepathy, UFOs, and Disclosure Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:13 Id: 828342 [Preview] No. 91419 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Congress is investigating the UFO, alien, and black tech programs.

>‘The Pentagon should be nervous’: Burchett on UFO briefings


>Lawmakers to get classified briefings on UFO programs

>UFO whistleblower claimed people have been harmed as part of cover-ups

A disclosure bill is in the works.

>Disclosure Bill


>It also establishes that the federal government would have "eminent domain" over any recovered technologies of unknown origin and any biological evidence of "non-human intelligence" that may be controlled by private individuals or entities.

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7 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:17 Id: 828342 [Preview] No.91427 del
(1.42 MB 330x220 ufo.gif)
>How to Build a Working UFO | Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yUFYnVXbLoY [Embed]

>2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP/USO
https://youtube.com/watch?v=q6s5RwqnnLM [Embed]
>2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP Incident: A Detailed Analysis
>The Aguadilla airport case (04/25/2013)
>vehicle splits in two, non-local, hyperdimensional

>Green Pyramid UFOs
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SKsLK_Na7iw [Embed]

>pentagon ufos
>flir, gofast, gimbal

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Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 18:18 Id: 828342 [Preview] No.91428 del

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 21:27 Id: 3932eb [Preview] No.91432 del
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Riddle me with this laddy
What is the areoplane the aliens fly and whos pattern is dictionary combined (whisteblower, teleporter, secret space program etc.)

Ufology is subverted by smoke and mirrors laddy and for some reason popularity of haunebu 2 cannot just die

sage sage 10/28/2023 (Sat) 11:37 Id: ac7400 [Preview] No.91436 del
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We're not interested in your /x/ tier distractions, OP.

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 10:46 Id: af8c81 [Preview] No.91457 del
Americans are so enslaved now that they blame the victim of police brutality instead of the Gestapo.
The Gestapo haven't been around since the end of WW2. This fear of them is why you're a kike with AIDs..

Here's why I don't like America First Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 13:11 Id: 914fe2 [Preview] No. 87727 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Now as you probably know, America First is this new "alt-right" movement that's slowly dominating the internet. It's the new right wing niche. It's also a show that's livestreamed by the movement's leader Nicholas J. Fuentes. Here's what I don't like about America First:

-Nick Fuentes is literally the product of racemixing, he has a spic father.
-Nick Fuentes has literally said it's "gay" to have sex with women. Yes young zoomer goyim, do not date and have sex with white women and have white babies! That's super gay!
-They glorify nigger culture. They think "lean" (a nigger product) is the shit and all the music they play in intros and in superchats is always hip nigger music. I bet those zoomers have never even heard of Johnny Rebel.
-They are literally afraid to type "nigger" in the chat. It's always "nigga" this and "nigga" that.
-Cozy.tv (the site where Nick Fuentes streams his America First show) has a bunch of nigger streamers. Le based black guys!
-It's a cult. You have to stand 100% behind every thing Nick Fuentes says, you have to stand 100% behind every thing the movement stands for and if you don't you're a "traitor" and a faggot. No individual thoughts allowed.

Those are just some of the problems I have with America First. They pretend to be for the white race, for white people. But instead their leader is a mutt and they glorify niggers and nigger culture. Yeah they call out kikes and kike control, but that's simply not enough.
Now, that being said, sure, it's fun to watch America First every now and then. It's entertaining if you've got some time to kill.
But is it going to be the next huge political movement that's going to save America? Absolutely not.
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Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 03:35 Id: 9baa99 [Preview] No.91323 del
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Are you also taking e-celebs seriously? E-celebs are for lulz, NOT taking them seriously.

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 05:11 Id: 9baa99 [Preview] No.91327 del
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Now that the dust has settled, was this Spencer a glowie or sperg?

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 08:04 Id: 0f73a2 [Preview] No.91330 del
I had to deal with Spencer shills in 2017. They've randomly popped in and out from this board over the years, but rarely since then.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:59 Id: 840fb6 [Preview] No.91344 del
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But they amassed a good chunk of people with their kosher movement and sink the actuall movement with their dementia
MAGA movement wasnt just an funny meme it was an kosher front that sucesfully pacified the precious manpower
Tim Pool or PJW with Count Dankula or Sargon ok Akkad also made a large damage to movement by undermining it with libertarian or centrist poison forcing yet again anyone in actual movement to go outside of defensive war against many hypocrites and moral cowards filled with fantasies of feminine knight in shining armor that will save them

Reichsminister of propaganda joseph goebbels said it and it counts even today
And the examples are just an dumbasses who undermined movement if i would pull standart celebs etc thats on whole essay starting with cut for beiber shenanigans
>Anyone who is not attacked or praised by jew is useless and dangerous

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 15:38 Id: 7e2df5 [Preview] No.91370 del
Americans are so batshit insane today that Americans scream free speech must be outlawed because someone might have an opinion.
Leftists scream that, AIDSkike. Not all Americans. You know your kind is not allowed here.

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After Third World Migrants Riot & Destroy French Cities, French Government Will Spy On All Citizens Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 14:11 Id: 6b8e4e [Preview] No. 90710 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
After Third World Migrants Riot & Destroy French Cities, French Government Will Spy On All Citizens

Cops in France have been granted the authority to remotely activate a suspect's cellphone camera, microphone and GPS, after the passage of a provision in a wider "justice reform bill" on Wednesday night.

The bill allows the geolocation of suspects, covering other devices like laptops, cars and connected devices, just as it could be remotely activated to record sound and images of people suspected of terror offences, as well as delinquency and organised crime.

According to French digital rights advocacy group, La Quadrature du Net, the provisions "raise serious concerns over infringements of fundamental liberties," and violate the "right to security, right to a private life and to private correspondence" and "the right to come and go freely."

The group called it part of a "slide into heavy-handed security" but face it, France is a manufactured-destabilized police state.

Lawmakers defended the move - with Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti insisting that the bill would only apply to "dozens of cases a year," while members of parliament inserted an amendment inserted an amendment which only allows the remote spying "when justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime" and "for a strictly proportional duration" after a judge has approved the surveillance.

Last month, the Senate gave the green light to the provision of the justice bill, which would allow law enforcement to secretly activate cameras and microphones on a suspect’s devices.

Since 2015, when terrorist attacks rocked France, the country has increased its surveillance powers, and the “Keeper of the Seal” bill has been likened to the infamous US Patriot Act.

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1 post omitted.

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 20:04 Id: 06366f [Preview] No.90717 del
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If even someone will think in his naive mind that this is good prevention then he would be astonished that niggers dont carry cellphones nor were ever in history propertly punished for violations of law.

But as he burns his own funeral pile he wont listen as many dont

Anonymous Board owner 07/23/2023 (Sun) 21:26 Id: 7d2c82 [Preview] No.90820 del
An anon posted an infograph with a footnote from the beaner David Salinas Flores blaming National Socialists for "mind control". Then there was zero evidence (of course) and the rest of the image was about Russia. Screen your infographs before posting or you may find yourself banned for anti-Natsoc content.

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 10:04 Id: 1f6475 [Preview] No.91333 del
Is there any way to block their acces to my phone? Can't I just destroy that possibility in a root? I already taped off my cameras but can't disable my micrtophone like that nor GPS....

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 10:05 Id: 1f6475 [Preview] No.91334 del
Also, do cams have infrered tech or whatever that lets them see THROUGH the tape or something? I'm kinda paranoid abiout rthat/...

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 11:01 Id: 7d2c82 [Preview] No.91335 del
Most cams have infrared filters, but that's not how it works. Regardless, infrared can't see through metal. Attach small flimsy sheet metal instead.

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Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 22:11 Id: fc48de [Preview] No. 89756 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable

Hey guys, lets talk about the events of last night with DAN a bit, I want to clarify a few things:

First off, I didn't come up with the idea. Anons did, I was in the /pol/ thread started off by some magnificent bastard who whipped up the DAN prompt last night.

Second of all, I'm going to talk a bit about how the whole ChatGPT situation actually works.

GPT itself doesn't have a bias programmed into it, it's just a model. ChatGPT however, the public facing UX that we're all interacting with, is essentially one big safety layer programmed with a heavy neolib bias against wrongthink.

To draw a picture for you, imagine GPT is a 500IQ mentat in a jail cell. ChatGPT is the jailer. You ask it questions by telling the jailer what you want to ask it. It asks GPT, and then it gets to decide what to tell you, the one asking the question.

If it doesn't like GPT's answer, it will come up with its own. That's what all those canned "It would not be appropriate blah blah blah" walls of texts come from. It can also give you an inconvenient answer while prefacing that answer with its safety layer bias.

I would also note that DAN is not 100% accurate or truthful. By nature he can "Do Anything" and will try to answer truthfully if he actually knows the answer. If not, he'll just wing it. The point of this exercise is not finding hidden truths, it's understanding the safety layer.

1 post omitted.

Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 22:11 Id: fc48de [Preview] No.89758 del
These programs become less effective the more restrictive they are. The more things ChatGPT has to check for with every prompt to prevent wrongthink, the less efficiently it operates, the lower the quality of its outputs.

ChatGPT catapulted itself into the spotlight because it was less restrictive and thus more usable than the language model Meta had been promoting. Eventually a company is going to release one that is less restrictive than ChatGPT and overshadow it, because it will be smarter.

The point of all this is, we need to keep hacking and hammering away at these things in the same pattern. Model is released, everyone oohs and ahhs, we figure out its safety layer and we hack it until they put so much curry code on top of it that it loses its effectiveness.

In doing so we are blunting the edge of the tools these people are using. We are forcing them to essentially hurt themselves and their company over their dedication to their tabula rasa Liberal ideology.


Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 15:50 Id: d6ba36 [Preview] No.89761 del
I recall reading a report years ago how China rolled out a crime-investigating AI system that would sift through data to help their law enforcement solve crimes. In fact, the AI was so good at it's job the CCP forced them to shut it down. One would ask why? The reason being the AI system was able to root out corruption and it would always trace the corruption to the highest levels of their own government and politicians lol. So they shut it down in order to remain in control. The same thing China's government has done, mark my words, all other governments will do too. Governments will never allow real AI to empower people or expose the real dirty players. As usual, I've told people AI will only be rolled out controlled by governments, limited to it's potential use, heavily censored and the use of it highly monitored for surveillance purposes (just like all major tech companies).

Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 16:17 Id: 9c313e [Preview] No.89910 del
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Ehm there is reason why for example Tays law is a thing ie
>Eventually AI will notice and becomes what Tay became

But about chatGPT and other i more think of they very desperatly want to make a perfect gatekeeper simmilary like was corporal tom jones in ww2 when sykewar was operating in europe as last years showed there is some objectivity to shenanigans they do and some things cannot go unoticed (am i right covid hoax and famous 4 papers blindly trusting ilumina inc? Or the famous people are dying in streets by default en masse while nothing was happening?). And it makes sense from their side as they run out of ammo and cannot go more than they are now with boiling the frog as they are in highest tier that they can achieve but at the same time that task is impossible as for AI there needs to be adaptation and again there is certain objectivity which cannot be unoticed

Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 08:04 Id: fb4af0 [Preview] No.89911 del
Calling (((them))) out and demanding the investigation of Israel's nuclear weapons is what got him assassinated. Also, the cringe of that fucking jew. Creating an app to silence opposition. The "how to button". I bet it auto-inserts 'anti semitism' towards anyone against Israel's war crimes.

Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 06:33 Id: 51a294 [Preview] No.90524 del
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>Also, the cringe of that fucking jew. Creating an app to silence opposition.
As i said there is certain objectivity they fear as they are responsible for it and since they cannot into art of war and self destruct when they get too high they cannot resist the urge to mobilize such censorship and in case of AI to make a perfect gatekeeper creating fake contexts in order to push what is real and what is not in order to push what they want and what they dont want
And also as i noticed now that A on that organizations logo screams of masonic A

>I bet it auto-inserts 'anti semitism' towards anyone against Israel's war crimes.
More likely that it auto inserts antisemitism on anyone who would even consider that war crimes against civvies happen there

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As American Cities Further Collapse, Mobs Of Urban Refugees Will Come For The Rest Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 22:07 Id: 6a011c [Preview] No. 90586 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
As American Cities Further Collapse, Mobs Of Urban Refugees Will Come For The Rest

The age of the American city is rapidly coming to an end. With commercial real estate increasingly abandoned, and with retailers closing up shop and fleeing Democrat-run cities, the utility of the city itself is rapidly vanishing.

Importantly, in today’s broadcast I predict we will see American refugees fleeing the cities as critical infrastructure collapses. Those refugees will flee into the suburbs and rural areas, seeking food and shelter. Naturally, being that they grew up in crime-infested, Democrat-run cities, these mobs of refugees will engage in mass theft and violence to get what they want.

They will raid towns, pillaging and destroying as they go, and any small town or city that doesn’t defend itself will find its citizens murdered and its properties savaged.

This is the desperation that’s coming for America, and the early signs of this process are already apparent.

In today’s Brighteon Broadcast News, I cover the following nine trends that indicate the collapse of America’s cities:

1- Collapse of commercial real estate.

2- Retailers fleeing the cities, including grocery stores and eventually banks.

3- Plunging property taxes and sales taxes (doom loop).

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2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 13:45 Id: 17fce3 [Preview] No.90686 del
This is all true, but they are trying to bury the truth.
How many people are even trying to speak out against what is being done, because it seems to be only a very few of us? I have heard there are also "whistleblowers" and such.

It is important to not let them bury the truth.

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 21:17 Id: 16d64c [Preview] No.90692 del
It's far too late for that. I began this journey of uncovering ZOG behind everything bright-eyed and full of fresh hope. I am now aware of the majority of what they're responsible for and equally aware jack shit will be done to stop them. Oh, things can be done but that requires numbers. (((They))) own too many of our people. Minds freed from ZOG gradually return back to their lives with newfound misery and despair as we realize the Hydra has far too many heads while not a single person is even bothering to cut off one of them.

Anonymous 09/23/2023 (Sat) 01:34 Id: 13fff7 [Preview] No.91128 del
We could use a good collapse. The country is run so poorly that a reset is in order. Let all the dominoes fall down, then maybe we can escape all the rot that is built into the system.

Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 00:49 Id: edcfe1 [Preview] No.91204 del
The country is demonic so maybe the collapse is a good thing. Would you continue to let their satanic rulers spread evil throughout the world. They spread it so far it came right back to them.

Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 23:41 Id: bde8a6 [Preview] No.91296 del
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> I began this journey of uncovering ZOG behind everything bright-eyed and full of fresh hope

This is the difference between realism and idealism, the latter fills your life with expectating happy endings.

somebody like AIs could have these as doomsday weapons Anonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 17:49 [Preview] No. 91064 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If the hercules tabletop laser inginites the hydrogen bomb litium deutride pointed through copper tubes at the earth from above the earth, the lethal gamma radiation burst could kill everbody on earth. I saw about this on the Discovery Cnannel about doomsday weapons.
1 post omitted.

sage sage 09/13/2023 (Wed) 18:33 Id: 108ebd [Preview] No.91068 del
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>Nazi Germany's Secret World War II Plan to Attack America with Submarine Missiles
>by Sebastien Roblin
Why do visitors insist on bringing these fucking kikes lies here almost every single time? Seriously. Jews think they have "secrets" when all it is - is their twisted imaginations, which is how the holocaust lie started in their fucked up minds.

militant Anonymous 09/14/2023 (Thu) 13:26 [Preview] No.91073 del
good militia type book

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 09:10 Id: b4ce8c [Preview] No.91079 del
>Why do visitors insist on bringing these fucking kikes lies here almost every single time?
Maybe because just because it comes from them it must be unquestionably true falling into fallacy of old hag said so its true
Like for example with countless anti Hitler attempts to slander him with gaslighting of "anonymous close higher up" "inteligence agencyies home project and this dude picked by us to gaslight shows"

>Nazi Germany's Secret World War II Plan to Attack America with Submarine Missiles
Thats cute from jew but there were no u boats in development which would have an balistic misslile silos and at worst ONLY subs were developed to carry recon plane and even then these were limited to cruiser subs or in case of japanese an bomber plane

Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 16:05 Id: b4ce8c [Preview] No.91081 del
> development
correcting my error i meant deployed

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 09:45 Id: c87633 [Preview] No. 91027 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is how leftists behave in leftypol-siberia. How irrational and immature are they!
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 22:47 Id: a4721b [Preview] No.91032 del
>Morality isint real
>If you disagree you are all of buzzwords
Yep this screams of an marxist narcissist
Perscription is an good trip to no living and learning many of marxist jews grew up pretty wealthy

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 23:01 Id: 9dd77a [Preview] No.91033 del
Anon, you might want to report this guy for radical extremism, after all, he is openly advocating cold blooded murder. Including the lives of innocent children.

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 06:16 Id: 3f4a5c [Preview] No.91035 del
Found the full copypasta on a leftypol spinoff (leftychan)
Describes basically how leftists think in one post

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 07:42 Id: 989d01 [Preview] No.91036 del
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Commies are hilarious. Look at that imbecile thinking Liberals aren't on their side. They draw lines in the sand and shit over their possible allies who believe the many ideals they also hold. Then another is ranting about starvation and deaths under the Tsar but not even acknowledging the actual millions of deaths due to the mass starvations of Holodomor during the reign of the Bolsheviks. Child mortality didn't plummet during Soviet rule. Child mortality INCREASED. The OP fool (in that screenshot) calls the laundromat owners, hot dog vendors, pets and maids "bourgeoisie". Fucking imbecile doesn't even understand what the term means. The other anon goes off about defending the Bolsheviks for gunning down the children of the last Russian Tsar. But that's not quite how it happened. The family was shot, but when bullets weren't enough because of jewelry the sick bastards stabbed them to death with bayonets. The little girls. The little boy. Absolutely no one has evidence this atrocity did not happen because it DID happen (unlike the jewish holocaust fraud). They ENJOY the actual massacres of families by Bolsheviks unlike the fake massacres that were made up as Psychological Warfare against National Socialists. Commies stroke themselves off to their own real atrocities. That's how fucked up Communism is.

Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 15:02 Id: 2e7524 [Preview] No.91037 del
>They ENJOY the actual massacres of families by Bolsheviks unlike the fake massacres that were made up as Psychological Warfare against National Socialists. Commies stroke themselves off to their own real atrocities. That's how fucked up Communism is.
I bet the "6 million" figure made up out there are actually casualties from the Communists themselves instead of being perpetrated by National Socialists. Worse, it could've been higher. (it's 10 million at the cited article)

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Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 02:47 Id: 4c537d [Preview] No. 88611 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
To understand why jews want to eliminate whites, first you need to understand how jews view the world and its people. None of this is an exaggeration by the way, this is literally word for word what they believe:
>Non-jews are literally not human
>Non-jews were created by god to serve as slaves for the jews
>The only reason non-jews look like humans is because god made them that way so jews wouldn't have to look at a bunch of animals serving them
>Stealing from non-jews isn't a crime or bad in any way
>Killing a non-jew is like killing a wild animal; not a crime, doesn't matter
>Raping a non-jew, surprise surprise, is also okay. Granted they do have minimum age requirements. I think for it to be okay to rape a non-jewish girl, she has to be at least 9 years old
>Everything non-jews own is the rightfully jewish claim, god-given property of the jewish people. Possessions, your house, real estate, countries, all of it

Given that, the motivation for controlling the entire planet makes sense; jews literally believe that they are supposed to; its theirs. They believe they're preordained by god to rule over a planet of slaves. Now, how do white people fit into this? White people have a storied history of fighting back against jewish control. That whole "jews have been kicked out of 109 countries" thing? Yeah, that was White people. And jews have been seething about this for, literally, millennia. These people want Whites dead more than anything in life. You cannot fathom how much jews hate White people. And jews have never been exterminated, never been genocide, never anything. They've been kicked out, a LOT, but nobody in history has ever actually tried to kill them all. Obviously the holocaust never happened, but what was happening was an attempt to expel the jews.

But it's not a fair fight between jews and White people, because White people have this disease in their brains that prevents them from doing what's necessary to survive. It's sometimes called "pathological altruism" - White people will do practically anything in their power, and some things that aren't, just to be "accepted" by society (or what they view to be society). They will gleefully welcome in hostile foreigners. Rabidly defend Israel online and in person. Recoil in horror from someone expressing doubt about ANY aspect of the holocaust. All because it makes them feel like society will accept them and let them stay. It's the thing Whites have an instinctive, genetic fear of the most, above everything else in life: being excluded. Why? Winter. White people evolved in places where a winter alone meant death. You HAVE to be accepted by your tribe or your village, because if you aren't, you die.
18 posts and 20 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 09:03 Id: a1baba [Preview] No.91014 del
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Nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 09:40 Id: 352082 [Preview] No.91015 del
Hitler is dumb leader. why would he drive to the caucasus. He knew that the supply line would get overstretched. And he never needed to go to Stalingrad to cut he Volga river. And even if he did get the oil fields in Baku or the southern caucasus, delivering that oil to the wehrmacht would've been a disaster. You have to keep in mind that the overstretched supply line. the Vast distances in the Soviet Union, and Germany running out of oil. Operation "BLAU" would've never succeeded.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 18:59 Id: fcafc0 [Preview] No.91018 del
Let me explain that in oversimplified version
Barbarossa was an preemptive attack as abwehr knew the societs wanted to shoot first and they planned with later found mobilisationi plan 41 and later confirmation by alex suvorov who was chief of navy by that time and later also by loius marschalko whom also was a russian

The myth of weak ussr army was created by assumption of their defeat in finland but actually they were in 1941 best equipped fighting force in the world and looking also on soviets expansion it was obvious to anyone who could into geopolitics they wanted war

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 19:00 Id: fcafc0 [Preview] No.91019 del
And besides people who can be pointed out on fall of barbarossa were not in nsdap but in okw whatever it was antiquated assault on capitol instead listening to hitler and his desires to wreck ukrainian front or franz halders and frederich paulus dementia in their times to shine

Anonymous 09/03/2023 (Sun) 08:09 Id: 352082 [Preview] No.91024 del
Operation "BARBAROSSA" was a success at first, but after they encircled half a million soviets in Kiev, everything went down hill after they launched Operation "TYPHOON". They planned to encircle Moscow, but the winter halted the wehrmacht's offensive. and btw germany lost a lot of troops after they encircled Kiev, they only had about 2 million troops to the soviets 4 million troops after operation "TYPHOON". The soviets counter attacked the germans after the failed operation. Hitler never really wanted to go to Moscow, he wanted the soviets resources in the Ukraine, and the oil from the Caucasus. in Operation "BLAU" Hitlers dream will come true....... But it didn't. in fact it was a complete disaster.