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No one is absolutely evil Anonymous 09/15/2017 (Fri) 01:49:32 [Preview] No. 7
Unlike Christians, I logically don't see anyone (or any adherents to an ideology) as inherently evil, for they are just misguided or the victims of circumstance. Even a sociopath cannot help it that he has the tendencies, or that his genes or upbringing, or circumstances made him so angry that his rationality isn't strong enough to contain his drive towards violence. Sure we might call sadistic person evil because of their character or actions, but that's just an expression of convenience.

No one is born evil, but there are victims and a portiom of them are born to do evil through no fault of their own other than a lack of empathy, self-control or self-esteem which the universe has conspired to prevent them from acquiring.

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