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Learning to draw YCH 02/07/2016 (Sun) 11:41:54 Id: a330ac [Preview] No. 104
Hey guys, I have been practicing drawing, but I am having a rough time. Even with a refrence picture of the kind of thing I am going for I end up blowing it. I mess up the anatonmy. Rather than getting an animal, or what have you I get almost an animal, then a mess of almost legs and such. I can sort of draw a head, but when trying to carry out the rest of the body it gets messy. So how do I get used to drawing it? Maybe trying to copy other peoples drawings until I have a better idea of how things work is a good idea?

YCH 02/07/2016 (Sun) 21:38:24 Id: d9c375 [Preview] No. 105 del
(380.17 KB 1000x996 catboystudy.png)
How exactly are you approaching it?
Are you going in with details first or are you starting with simple shapes? Because you should be doing the latter.

If you're going to look at other people's art try to find sketches done by them that involve the basic shapes, or that are very gestural. (look up gesture drawings if you don't know what I mean by that.)

Practice spotting those shapes in a photo/drawing, and the proportions in relation to those shapes.
Grab one of those pictures, open it up in your painting program, and draw those shapes and lines on a layer over it. Pic related is an example of me doing that.

YCH 02/07/2016 (Sun) 21:43:25 Id: d9c375 [Preview] No. 106 del
(400.37 KB 1000x996 catboystudy2.png)
Pointed out the measurements really quick.

YCH 02/07/2016 (Sun) 22:06:56 Id: a330ac [Preview] No. 107 del
I have just about no idea what I am doing, so I have been just starting with details and trying to a complete drawing that way. Thank for your advice, I will definitely give that a try.

YCH 02/07/2016 (Sun) 22:43:32 Id: d9c375 [Preview] No. 108 del
(85.08 KB 474x706 thumbs up.PNG)

No problem. Best of luck.

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