/magick/ - Memetics

It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.

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The "K" is for extra magic.

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(194.00 KB 320x320 1441230893282.png)
Magus 02/03/2016 (Wed) 19:54:56 Id: 452494 [Preview] No. 54
Can memetics work efficiently outside the internet? The only way I see it used at all is through corporate conglomerates.

What about normal Joes like us? How would the average man spread thought virus?

Magus 02/03/2016 (Wed) 20:08:17 Id: 2fa28f [Preview] No. 56 del
(162.68 KB 700x1100 1251389422012.jpg)
to do this one needs repetitive creativity. like a hobby of a thought-form manipulated to a sort of garden by which you cultivate the ethos of your thought-formation

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