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Popular science Anonymous 04/12/2017 (Wed) 18:08:55 [Preview] No. 9
>Much of the world was introduced to the platypus in 1939 when National Geographic Magazine published an article on the platypus and the efforts to study and raise it in captivity.
> First published in 1888, in 2015 Fox assumed ownership.
How could they let this happen? Good men would never sell their stock to an anti-science media empire.

Anonymous 04/12/2017 (Wed) 21:03:12 [Preview] No. 10 del
>Scientists find a mammal that lays eggs
>Clearly it's in between a bird and a mammal
>Theists insist evolution isn't real
>Say this ugly racemixing creature is intelligently designed by God.

Anonymous 04/12/2017 (Wed) 22:30:34 [Preview] No. 11 del

8/8 b8 will r8 and prolong8 while I el8 and masterb8

Scientist 05/09/2017 (Tue) 06:58:28 Id: bc5d49 [Preview] No. 14 del
Don't make fun off science, or science will get mad.

Scientist 05/09/2017 (Tue) 07:04:53 Id: bc5d49 [Preview] No. 15 del
(75.58 KB 800x445 download (8).jpg)
=SCIENCE= 🚡🚠🚅🚄🚃🚂

Scientist 05/17/2017 (Wed) 01:47:03 Id: fccaab [Preview] No. 16 del
Everything should be free and open source. Did the caveman patent fire or did he give it away for free?!

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