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Pocket CHIP Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:22:37 [Preview] No. 173
Does anyone here have experience with the Pocket CHIP, or the CHIP in general? As an option for mobile computing it seems much cheaper than things like the Dragonbox Pyra and OpenPandora, but much more powerful/useful than a chroot on an Android touchscreen device. Is it good? Are there similar computers?

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:22:50 [Preview] No. 174 del
I've used a chip for a little bit just a slower raspi with less connector

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:02 [Preview] No. 175 del
It's out?

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:14 [Preview] No. 176 del
Not yet, but it's been in alpha for a year.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:25 [Preview] No. 177 del
The chip part is.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:35 [Preview] No. 178 del
I just preordered on. We'll see if it's worth 60 bucks.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:46 [Preview] No. 179 del
I'd rather invest in bitcoins tbqf

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:23:56 [Preview] No. 180 del

with free bootloader and that's great reason enough to try it

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:24:08 [Preview] No. 181 del
It's only quality is that increases your San Francisco tech hipster cred. It comes with a fedora, and a fake handlebar mustache in the package.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:24:30 [Preview] No. 183 del
Most of the 60 bucks is for the case, battery, screen, keyboard, etcetera. The bare board is only $9. Do you have a better example?

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:24:42 [Preview] No. 184 del
(890.98 KB 1536x2048 chip.jpg)
Mine just arrived. It's alright. The keyboard is a bit annoying and I'm going to replace the launcher by a proper window manager but it's a real Debian system on an ultra-portable computer.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:24:53 [Preview] No. 185 del
ah ah ah i'm gonna cum

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:25:05 [Preview] No. 186 del
Maybe this will help someone. I couldn't find anything about it so I had to dig through the source code of the homescreen.

To adjust the brightness from the command line you have to write a number from 0 to 10 to /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness. Echoing 0 turns it off so make sure you can revert it before you do that. Like this:
echo 5 > /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness

Their homescreen does that in C++ by concatenating strings and spawning a shell that echoess it instead of just writing it directly for some ungodly reason.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:25:17 [Preview] No. 187 del
I have one. It's okay but I don't use it much. I'd use it more if it could run the games I wanted, but that's armshit for ya.

It would make a decent portable pocket PC. Also wish the screen was higher res. I added Openbox as another window manager option and spent some time configuring firefox to give me more room.

You'll find yourself configure things by text files a lot for software where you'd normally use a GUI. For example some addons in Firefox create settings windows that are larger than the screen. You can move them around in the default environment as long as the keys are all working (this is not sure, some times I have had to use setkeys or loadkeys because it simply decided to randomly not load the special key functions that boot).

I'd use it more if it could run the specific games that I want, but like most armshit the GPU doesn't have full OpenGL, so you're stuck to software, and the thing does not have some fast quadcore CPU.

But it's the only thing for the price with a screen and keyboard so it's okay.

You can get additional software using various repos for PI shit. For awhile I was remoting into it using x2go from a pi repo which was really nice when setting up a different WM and getting everything comfy.

Without directly comparing I'd say its as fast as an original PI Model B.

If I got bored with it and wanted to find some daily use where I could just set it up and let it go, I'd probably try to use it in my car as a dashcam system.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:25:29 [Preview] No. 188 del
Next Thing Co. seems to be SJW, although I doubt anybody is surprised by that. They support "Black Girls Code" and other discriminatory nonprofits and initiatives. I find that fucking annoying, why not "People Code"?

But that's how it is today. For the price I like this thing enough.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:25:39 [Preview] No. 189 del

does 3d acceleration work out of the box?

I heard CHIP team were working with ARM for bringing mali gpu support for mainline linux.

can you share contents of dmesg, lsmod and uname -a?

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:25:51 [Preview] No. 190 del
It's mostly a problem that there's almost no existing worthwhile software for linux that uses OpenGL ES

But yes the GLES acceleration works now, it's pretty much limited to Quake 3 and a few other things. After I bought it I did the research and you would be surprised just how few open source engines and games support GLES (on linux, there are quite a few for android)

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:26:02 [Preview] No. 191 del

so I heard. tbf it wasn't like we had that much hardwares capable of GLES for general purpose boards (outside of android phones that is).

Did CHIP team ported mainline linux as promised?

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:26:12 [Preview] No. 192 del
I'm not sure the latest but I think the main sticking point is NAND drivers

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 18:26:24 [Preview] No. 193 del
Actually this thread has me wanting to mess around with the pocket chip some more. It seems to me that a game that I've compiled on the chip before (Cataclysm DDA, SDL) should work automatically with GLES. But it was completely software rendering last time I tried. Unless the MESA libraries in the repos were compiled without the right options.

Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 19:08:47 [Preview] No. 205 del

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