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Autism and ADHD associated with video game 'addiction' Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 04:24:05 [Preview] No. 518

>The main observations were that boys with ASD spent significantly longer playing video games – on average around an hour more per day.

>By genre, “normal” boys showed greater preference for shooter games than the ASD group, and greater preference for sports games compared with the ADHD group. In boys with ASD only, preference for role-playing games was associated with higher problematic video game use scores.

Wew lad.

Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 04:26:59 [Preview] No. 519 del
>not being a dudebro is "problematic"

Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 04:27:54 [Preview] No. 520 del
(25.46 KB 200x228 1458697061824.jpg)
>Playing video games longer than two hours in considered "problematic"

>Watching TV and ingesting the garbage advertising all day is OK.

Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 06:50:30 [Preview] No. 531 del
>tfw i hate classic RPGs
Feels good.

Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 09:38:33 [Preview] No. 533 del
tbh it's true, I've been diagnosed with both and I'm a weeaboo video game nerd, but it's a given since people with ADHD and autists can really sink into something that interests them

Anonymous 03/23/2016 (Wed) 10:08:35 [Preview] No. 534 del
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>modern shooters
>sports games

NHS, proudly funded by EA.

Anonymous 03/25/2016 (Fri) 16:06:19 [Preview] No. 550 del
im diagnosed with heavy paranoia, anxiety, and depression. icloke sandbox games and rpgs

these studies are dumb, you could argue any abnormal person likes weird shit or abnormal things. especially with more substance than shitty dudebro games.

i hate normies

Anonymous 03/26/2016 (Sat) 21:40:39 [Preview] No. 561 del

There's that word again.

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