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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

Zelda = Zionism Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 08:25 Id: 8c3244 [Preview] No. 76630 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Zelda is Freemason, and Zionist propaganda. Zelda is a Yiddish name. Honey and darling are male, and female dualities spinning around a center pole. Honey has dark curly jew hair. It's programming you to serve the Rothschild's using Mason lore.


Zelda's language of origin is Germanic, Turkish, and Yiddish. It is predominantly used in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Yiddish origin, Yiddish use: It is derived from the word selig which is of the meaning 'happy, blessed'.

>British Israelism

A Link to the Past was the first to swap the Christian crosses for mystery school symbols; Triforce, Masonic eagles, Horus falcons/hawks, Cancer lobsters, etc.
Link = linking your dualities. The Triforce symbolizes two lower dualities ascending as one. The Triforce consists of equilateral triangles, and can be made with the vesica pisces. The claimed Hojo clan source is a squat, non-equilateral triangle.
Tal Tal Mountain is a step pyramid with a "world egg" on top.

Ocarina of Time = the magic flute from "The Magic Flute" (Mason Mozart's last opera)
child Link = child Horus
adult Link = adult Horus
Green was the color of Horus's eye.
Link's hat forms child Horus's loch of hair.

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306 posts and 589 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 19:32 Id: 446a0b [Preview] No.93661 del
But simply tldr
Wolfesntein games and most importantly machine games ones are on purpose made audacities to mock and shame you the player
T someone who played all of them and few times cried over that audacity of them presenting it as factual truth of how would grossdeutches reich look

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:36 Id: 0c41da [Preview] No.93683 del
>"How does any of this affect YOU personally?"
Off topic, but I don't give a shit. I want to address that image on how it affects me personally. I have been jealous ever since I found out all the amenities jews had in the labor camps. I labor much harder than those kikes ever did. What I NEVER have at my workplace is:
• A swimming pool
• A soccer team and field
• On site post office
• Rabbit breeding facility
• Library
• Greenhouse
• Sauna
• Horses
• Orchestra
• Dentists
• Live actors theater
• A brothel
• Artists studio

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Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:55 Id: 0cc766 [Preview] No.93684 del
> I labor much harder than those kikes ever did. What I NEVER have at my workplace
Tell me about it...
And it hurts me.even more than nsdaps achievrments that we even to this day have despite being undermined negated etc. are attributed to marxists except nsdap
But i take a lecture from the camps if anything positive can be taken from them
It diesnt matter how humane one is or benevolent you cannot satisfy someone who wants you dead or desolate

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:56 Id: 01e44d [Preview] No.93685 del
Seriously looks like a script spit out by a bot. Now I feel like a machine ripping apart the skin on top

Besides pavlovian or other methods employed by thinktanks such as Tavistock. Shit, I can't believe how they get away with the compartmentalization within institutions now. After 7 years a graduate, I look back on how they still continue making impressions on a prospective character, leading someone to believe that's the major for them whilst plummeting into that free scholarship money spent on their programs, or programming. Nefarious at best, devilish at worst. There was discussion once years ago on this board when I only lurked that showed in Japan how they test to see what job you may be best suited for based on a mixture of 4 aspects combined into different venn diagrams, and in the middle was the term for the test.
or something like that

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:43 Id: 674444 [Preview] No.93748 del
Ehh games are good for like pastime or hobbies. Just nothing in excess is fine. My thoughts on that

>I recommend looking on odysee platform american krogans analysis on the games as that vid cost him for redpills a channel and how much he went on for dementia and audacities there

Yeah I was going to recommend American Krogan's video on that, but you already beat me to it. That series is pretty bad and too edgy too.

Doom, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D are better alternatives though.

(116.34 KB 790x439 800x445.jpg)
Why Hitler Put jews in Camps Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 03:14 Id: 8e44bd [Preview] No. 86491 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Jewish “Holocaust” historian Yehuda Bauer writes: "Part of the Nazi propaganda effort was to persuade non-Jews that the ghettoes were necessary to protect them from the Jews. Jews were said to be carriers of epidemic illnesses while non-Jews were immune to them." [Sidenote: What is wrong with this kike's brain? Unable to see the glaring flaw in his lie.] In reality, Jews were interned in camps and ghettos during World War II because Jews were generally hostile toward Germany, and many Jewish partisans were actively killing German troops. In addition to ghetto fighters, Jewish civilians fled to the forests and enlisted in partisan units, carrying out sabotage and intelligence missions.[3] The authorities of the Third Reich reasoned that Jews had to be interned to protect against these sabotage and intelligence operations. This article documents some of the Jewish civilians and groups who actively fought against the Third Reich during World War II.

Jewish Female Assassins
Jewish historian Dr. Judy Batalion, in her book The Light of Days, states that Jewish women who resisted the Third Reich were far more numerous than she had ever imagined. She writes: "At first, I imagined that the several dozen resistance operatives mentioned in Freuen comprised the total amount. But as soon as I touched on the topic, extraordinary tales of female fighters crawled out from every corner: archives, catalogues, strangers who emailed me their family stories. I found dozens of women’s memoirs published by small presses, and hundreds of testimonies in Polish, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Italian, and English, from the 1940s to today." Many Jewish women used stealth and disguises to murder Germans. For example, 24-year-old Niuta Teitelbaum, from the Communist group Spartacus, wore her flaxen hair in braids, appearing like a young 16-year-old—an innocent disguise that hid her role as an assassin. She walked into the office of a high-ranking Gestapo officer, and shot him in cold blood at his desk. Teitelbaum pulled the trigger on yet another German officer while he was in bed in his own home. In another operation, she killed two Gestapo agents and wounded a third who was taken to a hospital. Disguising herself as a doctor, Teitelbaum entered the wounded Gestapo agent’s room, and murdered both him and his guard.[5]

In another instance, Teitelbaum dressed like a Polish farm girl with a kerchief in her blond hair. She walked into a German command post, smiled, and then shot an SS soldier with her pistol. Another time, Teitelbaum strolled up to the guards outside Szucha, and said she needed to speak to a certain officer about a “personal matter.” The guards showed her the way to her “boyfriend’s office,” where she pulled out a concealed pistol with a silencer and shot him in the head. She smiled meekly at the guards on her way out.[6] For these and other acts of lethal resistance, the Gestapo nicknamed Teitelbaum “Little Wanda with the Braids,” and put her on all of its most-wanted lists. She survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, but was eventually hunted down and executed a few months later.[7] The lethal nature of the Jewish female assassins caused the Germans to take extreme measures against them. German SS commander Jürgen Stroop wrote:[8] "''They were not human, perhaps devils or goddesses. Calm. As nimble as circus performers. They often fired simultaneously with pistols in both hands. Fierce in combat, right to the end. Approaching them was dangerous. One captured Haluzzenmädel looked timid. Completely resigned. And then suddenly, when a group of our men got within a few steps of her, she pulls a hand grenade out from under her skirt or her breeches and slaughters the SS while showering them with curses to the 10th generation—your hair stands on end! [continued]

14 posts and 9 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 18:43 Id: 0f6819 [Preview] No.91166 del
>What people need is a shock to their system to wake up.
Better would be an rotting of system assaulting their little bohemian (a person not nationality just to say) island which they take so in dearest with their aspirations of eternal beer and football
Like what they will change when they hear that uncomfortable truth of our eternal dept and poverty by constant ignoring of it
What will change when at least in my personal experience they result in physical violence toward that sad truth and that hitler was right
>They'll only fight back if the jew boot is physically on their necks.
Depends on individum
If that man believes in some sort of messiah in shining armor who will fix everything while he sits confortably or everything can be settled down in some jolly political game then even then he wont fight and MAGA faggots are biggest evidence
Yes, and it is many times impossible to get through to someone who has been brainwashed by the lies
An cycle that never ends
>Im immune to propaganda of establishment
>Okay here you have then material showing how much they lie about anyone
>After a while
>No the establishment is right and believe what they say
>But you said you dont believe them
>But why they would lie we would disagree with them then

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Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 12:32 Id: c59114 [Preview] No.92501 del
Americans scream swimming pools must be banned or everyone will die.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 12:54 Id: f484a2 [Preview] No.92506 del
Nice "Americans" word generator Schlomo

Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 19:19 Id: 2dd3a0 [Preview] No.93620 del
Info on the reasons why partisan repressal actions were needed in yugoslavia
These fucks commited vilest attrocities against civilians

Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 19:19 Id: 2dd3a0 [Preview] No.93621 del
Can also reupload the links for archival reasons if necceseary

The next "pandemic" - H5N1 Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:43 Id: 81241d [Preview] No. 93597 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A Texan farm worker has contracted bird flu from an infected cow, marking the first time the HSN1 virus has been recorded spreading from mammals to humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Incredibly, in what the media is claiming is a “coincidence”, a Bill Gates-funded bird flu vaccine for that strain has just entered trials.

3 May 2024
First mammal-to-human transmission of H5N1 ‘bird flu’ confirmed
US genetic analysis shows farm worker caught virus from a cow, likely through touch or aerosol

April 25, 2024
CureVac initiates H5N1 avian influenza vaccine study
The investigational influenza A (H5N1) pre-pandemic vaccine is intended to prepare for potential future pandemic threats.

Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation Makes Its Largest Ever Equity Investment In A Biotech Company
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is investing $52 million in CureVac, a German company involved in making vaccines.

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AREA 51 PHOTOS MEGA COLLECTION Download Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 02:01 Id: bc1dec [Preview] No. 93543 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]


Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 06:45 Id: 560875 [Preview] No.93058 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7yESfLEHI04 [Embed]

Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 12:25 Id: c5906d [Preview] No.93060 del
Ukrainians should flee. (((Zelenksy))) only has one motive to keep them there and to keep fighting. Gentile deaths is all he ever wanted.
Not everyone speaks, I guess, Romanian.

Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 14:37 Id: 560875 [Preview] No.93061 del
>Ukrainians should flee
sadly it's too late (for those who can't afford bribes large enough to get past the border or get medical exemptions)
the only solution is another coup. (((Zelenksy's))) mandate just expired, elections were supposed to happen last month.

Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: c5906d [Preview] No.93065 del
(253.46 KB 681x271 the rope.png)
Well, I have nothing against the alternative of Ukrainians killing that kike snake. As for Global Rule 1 - This is not an illegal statement. The Ukraine is of course outside of U.S. jurisdiction. The (((US government))) though would be pissed in the event of a coup and the death of their favored jew puppet.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:24 Id: 3bdcf9 [Preview] No.93528 del
I think a lot if not all of them have left already anon. Same as Russians leaving to places like Georgia.

Za Dom Anonymous 08/21/2021 (Sat) 02:29 Id: 674c5d [Preview] No. 85239 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Croatia is the best European country, not because of it's top ranking purity, but because of the homely sense of community that runs through the nation. It is the best country in the world because it stands as the core of all European values - that, of course, what is not misconstrued. I think the immense respect Dinarics have for their race is a result of having so little variety of first names; we are attentive to last names because that is how every Luka, Ivan, Mario and Ante identifies each other - we are made to think of our ancestry in nearly every aspect of life, and through this, we develop valuable friendships, establish a good sense of community, benefitting humankind and naturally, the planet. The effect is subconscious and I am proud of this form of indoctrination.

Post why you love your heritage in this thread and share love for your home.

Za dom.
48 posts and 13 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 01:17 Id: 5f3df3 [Preview] No.92014 del
Americans think that they are rebels because they are immoral and have tattoos, but maybe the kikes want Americans to be immoral since immoral people are easier to blackmail and control.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:26 Id: 295dd4 [Preview] No.92017 del
How's that "eli­tes" word filter working out for you? Give it time and I'll filter all your kikery until you're talking like us, you jew fuck.

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 01:25 Id: b0f407 [Preview] No.92026 del
Every so often, but most Balkan communities are formed with close-knit unities and strong family ties. As a matter of fact, I made this thread when I was waiting for my cousins, aunties and uncles to arrive at the caffebar where we were having lunch that day. I was drinking beer and coffee and felt especially nationalistic.

>Serbo-Croatian are the same
Within Croatia, Zagreb culture is more like Serbia but Dalmatia is more like Italy. Balkan countries are not the same; we are all uniquely strong.

Yes, the Jew needed Balkan divided because our infinite willpower which they fear because it true and forthright.

America has been engineered by Jews since their mass immigration in the 1910s if I remember correctly.

>"eli­tes" word filter
elite kikes

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 01:25 Id: b0f407 [Preview] No.92027 del
>Serbo-Croatian are the same
Within Croatia, Zagreb culture is more like Serbia but Dalmatia is more like Italy. Balkan countries are not the same; we are all uniquely strong.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:19 Id: 6d7d50 [Preview] No.93524 del
>Balkan countries are not the same; we are all uniquely strong.

Yeah I know. Like every country is it's own little planet. They each have around thousands of years of history each too.

The Underground 'Training' Manual They Don't Want You To See Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: b4a303 [Preview] No. 93520 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Underground 'Training' Manual They Don't Want You To See

This "Underground Manual" was recently exposed by a Canadian news outlet and is something you should be aware of regarding these mass protests...

https://youtube.com/watch?v=xxhED3K-3H0 [Embed]



DREAMLAND RESORT WEBSITE ARCHIVE.zip 1.6 GB Download Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 21:24 Id: 14178c [Preview] No. 93488 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 11:40 Id: 4294c6 [Preview] No.93489 del
Tfw you think b 21 raider flying wing is some special super secret hardcore plane and not yet another plagiarism of horthen brothers go 229

Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 11:46 Id: 4294c6 [Preview] No.93490 del
(366.03 KB 700x630 35601 - SoyBooru.png)
No seriously this is just a bunch of known service planes and concepts that are still in development or put on ice if its not yet another plagiarism of horten brothers design

What an aurora project triangle plane is in there? Okay so what that is known design that was a proof of concept and its still flying while under secrecy laws on details

sage sage 04/29/2024 (Mon) 03:54 Id: ac0fde [Preview] No.93495 del
>Area 51
OP is just trying to post /x/-tier UFO shit without mentioning UFOs because they know they'll be banned.

Robert Kennedy II Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 20:46 Id: 43e8b6 [Preview] No. 93327 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (born January 17, 1954) is an environmental lawyer and activist.

A member of the Kennedy family, Kennedy is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of U.S. president John F. Kennedy.


I’m a former drug addict and the first thing that you do if you want to deal with drug addiction is you admit there’s a problem and then you can deal with everything. We need to admit there’s a problem in our government before we’re able to heal our country.

I’ve spent 40 years litigating against the agencies, the regulatory agencies in the United States, so I can tell you that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is effectively run by the oil industry, the coal industry and the pesticide industry. When I was on the trial team that brought the Monsanto cases, and we ended up with a $13 billion settlement after winning three trials, we uncovered that the head of the pesticide division at the EPA was secretly working for Monsanto, and was running that agency to promote the mercantile ambitions of that business rather than the public interest. He was killing studies, he was fixing studies, he was ghost-writing studies. And that’s true throughout the agencies.

If you look at the pharmaceutical industry in our country, it runs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA gets 50% of its budget from Big Pharma. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spends half of its budget purchasing vaccines from Big Pharma, and then distributing it. And the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is just an incubator for new pharmaceutical products. It doesn’t do the basic research that we want them to be doing — about where all these diseases come from. The studies that do get done are studies that develop pharmaceutical products. And then the NIH collects royalties when the pharma company sells those products. The regulator is essentially a partner with the regulated industry. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is run by the railroads in our country and by the airlines; the banks have utterly corrupted the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); and the media has corrupted the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

I don’t know of any values that my uncle John Kennedy harboured, or my father shared, that I don’t share. They had antipathy and suspicion towards war and the military-industrial complex; they did not want corporations running the American government; they were completely against censorship. They were against the use of fear as a governing tool, and they spoke out about it often. If you go down the list of things that they believed in, I don’t think there’s really any daylight between me and what they believed.

I think my ultimate ambition is to restore the faith and the love of America, and the pride in America, so that my children can grow up with the kind of pride that I felt about my country. I can restore our moral authority around the world, and restore the reputation of America as an exemplary nation, something that the rest of the world can look to as an example - one that people will want to copy - rather than as a threat. My uncle believed that America should be a leader, but we should not be a bully; and people understand the difference between those two things. Because my uncle steadfastly avoided war, and instead said: “I don’t want the picture of Americans around the world to be somebody with a gun, I want it to be a Peace Corps volunteer.” And because of that, people around the world love John Kennedy more than any president in our history. There’s more boulevards named after him, more avenues, more statues to him, more universities and hospitals, in Africa and Latin America and all over the world than any other U.S. President. That’s because he had a different vision that was not based on conquering people, but on helping them.
4 posts and 4 images omitted.

Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 21:31 Id: 43e8b6 [Preview] No.93340 del

Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a "racket") to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit.


The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.


Health care fraud includes "snake oil" marketing, health insurance fraud, drug fraud, and medical fraud.


Snake oil is a term used to describe a scam. Similarly, snake oil salesman is a common label used to describe someone who sells, promotes, or is a general proponent of some valueless or fraudulent cure, remedy, or solution. The term comes from the "snake oil" that used to be sold as a cure-all elixir for many kinds of physiological problems.

Selling snake oil is often portrayed as a confidence trick: a traveling salesman purports to be a doctor, selling fake medicines with boisterous marketing hype, and supported by pseudo-scientific evidence. To increase sales, an accomplice in the crowd (a shill or a "toadie") will often attest to the value of the product in an effort to provoke buying enthusiasm. The "doctor" will leave town before his customers realize they have been cheated.

Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 21:49 Id: 43e8b6 [Preview] No.93341 del

Quackery is the practice of fraudulent medicine.

Common elements of general quackery include fraudulent diagnoses using fraudulent diagnostic tests, as well as untested or refuted treatments, especially for serious diseases such as cancer.

Unproven, usually ineffective, and sometimes dangerous medicines and treatments have been peddled throughout human history. Theatrical performances were sometimes given to enhance the credibility of purported medicines.

The evidence-based medicine community has criticized the infiltration of quackery into mainstream academic medicine, education, and publications, accusing institutions of "diverting research time, money, and other resources from more fruitful lines of investigation in order to pursue a theory that has no basis in biology."


The term psychiatry was first coined by the German physician Johann Christian Reil in 1808 and literally means the 'medical treatment of the soul' (psych- 'soul' from Ancient Greek psykhē 'soul'; -iatry 'medical treatment' from Gk. iātrikos 'medical' from iāsthai 'to heal').


Anti-psychiatry is a movement based on the view that psychiatry is more damaging than helpful to patients.

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Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 21:52 Id: 43e8b6 [Preview] No.93342 del

The opioid epidemic, also referred to as the opioid crisis, is the rapid increase in drug use and overdose deaths attributed either in part or in whole to the class of drugs called opiates/opioids since the 1990s.

Opioids are a diverse class of moderate to strong painkillers, including oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, heroin, and fentanyl.

Due to the sedative effects of opioids, opioids may cause respiratory failure and death.

From 1999 to 2021, approximately 645,000 Americans died from opioid use. The number of overdose deaths involving opioids in 2021 was ten times what it was in 1999.


The Sackler family is a Jewish family who owned the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma and later founded Mundipharma. They were described as the "most evil family in America", and "the worst drug dealers in history".

In late 2020, the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the US House of Representatives held a hearing on the role of Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family in the opioid epidemic. Regarding the Sacklers, author Patrick Radden Keefe stated "They could produce a rehearsed simulacrum of human empathy" but were "impervious to any genuine moral epiphany." Jim Cooper, a congressman from Tennessee, stated to David Sackler: "Watching you testify makes my blood boil. I am not sure I am aware of any family in America that's more evil than yours."


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Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 14:35 Id: 1a7efa [Preview] No.93486 del

Russian Invasion General Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 00:20 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No. 86576 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Calls for participation in the Russia/Ukraine conflict anywhere on this board will be removed
This will be the containment thread for all matters about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Copying entire articles is pointless. This OP will be links.
10 Ways Russia Is Acting Like Israel

The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria

Democrat And Republican Congress Members Party in Israel As (((Putin))) Moves to Take Ukraine

150,000 Refugees Flee Across Europe As Ukrainian Fighting Intensifies

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/02/2022 (Wed) 17:13.
180 posts and 162 images omitted.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 07:35 Id: c15440 [Preview] No.92892 del
>moscow is many times whiter than all but the nordic capitals and Warsaw
Yes sure... Chechens after chechens and mongoloids from old soviet republics and simping for aliens like in west
Like for example here where poor lad
Nikita Zhuravel was send to the lions lair for insulting islam https://truthpodium.org/watch/putin-jew-tyrant-deports-russian-teenager-to-chechnya-for-insulting-islam_N8GVQrbAubCF7WR.html

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 09:35 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92893 del
Interesting comment under that. Here. I'll pair it with a couple things.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 12:00 Id: c15440 [Preview] No.92894 del
(5.02 MB 640x360 1690243552869713.webm)
>Its not the same. They don't have massive amounts of pro-nigger and pro-kike propaganda in their media.
Top kek this is just as pathetic as cink "white monkeys" shilling the same narrarive
At least in quanzhou or how is rhat province is at least (because ccp is always dishonest with stats) 500 000 niggers and even there were forced lairings of niggers and han cinks in unis which started befkre 2000s and were one of the main motives for tianamen square
Also thalmud in cinkland is deemed as a book for sucesfull financial sucess https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/12/china-asks-why-are-jews-excellent/339289/ and thats jjst a tip of iceberg apart of fact cinkland ie ccp is created by jews and kaifeng jews
>Their primary schools are not 70% nonwhite like they are here in my part of the US
And then rest of nation is illeterate as shanghai and metropolitan cities arent whole continent and they btw apply actual racist policies on anythin that isint modern han cink ie mutt chinese
>I've been to these places and they are decidedly nowhere near as pozzed as the US.
200 social credits were added to your account on reccomendarion of your commisar
Nope... Not at all
>Western forces must be defeated overseas before domestic elements feel confident enough to strike them on their own soil.
Lol no and again iran in 2019 was enough to see you dont need war for change of colours nazbol fag
>God must bleed before men believe he can be killed.

More on supposed saviours of white race and i recommend to look on more what that mad man has of a golden veins

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 13:13 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92896 del
>It is tactically advisable for us to side with the eastern ZOG to destabilize western ZOG
Simply when you side with jews, you're a traitor no matter the jews you side with. Everything else is irrelevant.