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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

101-Year-Old SS Guard Jailed for Holohoax Crimes Against jews Anonymous 06/29/2022 (Wed) 00:24 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No. 87886 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A 101-year-old former SS guard was just put in prison for helping Adolf Hitler gas gazillions of Jews in fake shower rooms. Haven’t they run out of German soldiers to prosecute for fake Holocaust crimes yet? This entire schtick is getting really old. World War II happened almost 80 years ago. There’s almost nobody left alive who had anything to do with the events of that era. This man was in his 20s when World War II was going on. Even if you believe that the obviously fake Holocaust of jews happened, he would have had no command or decision making responsibility to gas six trillion jews. Jailing an old man like this over these Holohoax lies is sadistic and wrong. Unfortunately, questioning this dumb jewish hoax is illegal in Germany so there’s no real way for anybody to defend themselves from these stupid accusations.

4 posts and 12 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 11:15:24 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87897 del
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Anyway anyone reading this post mark my words

Holocaust hoax madness will escalate into the point where descendants of the accused will take their place since everyone who lived in ww2 will be dead and will get sentences to take for their forefathers

Because like i said
When it suffices it suffices

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 06:41:04 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No.87906 del
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Aside from when a German descendant acts submissive for all the laws kike occupiers have passed in Germany. Then jews will continue stabbing Germans (and all of Europe) in the back until every single European is displaced. I wish all would wake up. I've tried suggesting brainstorming here back when there was more traffic. Nothing but flawed ideas (where someone usually suggests promoting degeneracy) have been presented. Unfortunately, there is sad amount of visitors here and I know no other National Socialists in person. I do not know how familiar you are with English. In case you might mistake "sad amount" as an insult, it is meant for the low number not the individuals.

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 19:26:12 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87907 del
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>I do not know how familiar you are with English. In case you might mistake "sad amount" as an insult,

No i did not took it as insult since i had english added as part of my gratuation from technical school

>Nothing but flawed ideas (where someone usually suggests promoting degeneracy) have been presented.
Problem is when promoting NS is that its in position of controversy and not mainstream, thats the reason why any NS should not approve flashy nigger music 3rd reich edits as "zoomer NS material", NS became an idea of men abkve time and against time simply people who dont belong in this era and promotion will never go as same as in 1920s but in "scandal after scandal" method before 2016s kushners maga internet invasion
Just how many became unironic NS after edgy nathzee phase in highschool?
I say many here at least in this republic despite falling into after 2016 LSNS which i better wont mention further since its sad how fascist party fell into catholic putin fan club

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 22:22:36 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No.87908 del
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>after edgy nathzee phase in highschool
You're lucky if you knew more than one in any school. Here in the United States it's not just popular to hate National Socialists and support fags. It's very common, as is the tendency of NPCs to promote interracial mixing. If only I could find just one other who appreciates Hitler but no. This is a melting pot of degeneracy. This is Hell.

Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 19:09:11 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87915 del
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>Here in the United States it's not just popular to hate National Socialists and support fags. It's very common, as is the tendency of NPCs to promote interracial mixing

From what i observe the jew in US unlike in europe is scarecrowing national socialism either as marxism or as danger to the present US identity thou art what thou art wilth (yes im pulling that freemason aliester crowley) thus making unlike here in Europe with attrocity tales an indestructible last wall against redpill, and logically it makes sense for him since the addicted wont let his dose to be taken away.
And with intermixing it speaks for itself "the might is right" screams to heaven about that lie in this hell of the zions razor words

>If only I could find just one other who appreciates Hitler but no
From what i learned it is not wisest idea to reveal power level overtly, whatever from panopticon effect or just to be sure or fear of loss ie the cancellation (which is also present here for NS or member of Domobrana and no lsns members dont count since they are not a third position party since post 2016)

GOYIM TV FLYERS Full Download.zip 33.3 MB Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 02:01 Id: c2b1c3 [Preview] No. 92512 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 17:39 Id: ad04f0 [Preview] No.92519 del

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Book/Audiobook Thread Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 13:41 Id: cffe40 [Preview] No. 81495 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for posting and requesting books and audiobooks.
64 posts and 72 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/28/2022 (Thu) 04:27:01 Id: 7dc924 [Preview] No.88001 del
тнеre ıs моаr
if you wısн

Anonymous 07/28/2022 (Thu) 11:17:33 Id: af3d76 [Preview] No.88004 del
>please define otherwise
From one's personal life. That's what I meant.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 00:13 [Preview] No.89284 del
+ thank you

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 16:30 Id: fa492d [Preview] No.91578 del
Any way to archive all of this content? It'd be awful if we lost it all

Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 07:53 Id: 41715b [Preview] No.91814 del
Archive.is archive.org or rentry if you mean archiving the link or links

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Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:39 Id: 775866 [Preview] No. 92777 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why are the anglozionists like this?

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 19:45 Id: 867f6a [Preview] No.92778 del
How can they have so little creativity?
Either they can't come up with a different flag design, or they purposely like to use the same design to either gloat or signal to other scum like themselves.

sage sage 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:19 Id: 52d5f6 [Preview] No.92779 del
Why can't you find the QTDDOT thread? I don't know. Lazy OPs are a mystery.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:32 Id: ace0e0 [Preview] No.92780 del
No, this is important. It's about the usage of symbolism which highlights the hubris of the people who think of themselves as great social engineers.

Everytime you see picrel into any flag design, with any other combination of elements, be aware that that design has been done by a communist, meaning a jew, meaning an enemy of all white people. And that whatever narrative they try to propose, whatever promises and optimistic future they try to paint, it's all a lie, a trap, and that their ultimate goal is the destruction of all european culture, and legacy, down to the destruction of the single persons.

I've seen this same design being used before on reddit to push an "european federalism" ideology, which just goes to show how infiltrated are the jews into the traditionalist movements.
Be very wary of these false fuckers.

sage sage 03/01/2024 (Fri) 02:51 Id: 52d5f6 [Preview] No.92781 del
Ok. So start your threads off stating that. Not a six words question that belongs here >>90546

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Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:15 Id: c66018 [Preview] No. 92724 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
at the february 26th 2024 the yakub rotschild had been officialy declared deceased at the age of 87
Let your jewish ass be crispy in underworld and gangbanged by hundreds of niggers for eternity for all the misfortune and destruction you caused that will now be in vain as yojr sonny is as autistic as soroses

Who wants to post redpills you are welcomed but check if they have the "hitler was with rotschild" fallacy

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:16 Id: 96f15e [Preview] No.92725 del
He's in HELL.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:19 Id: c66018 [Preview] No.92726 del
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And i shall start eith something easy

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:20 Id: c66018 [Preview] No.92727 del
Whatever suits your pellet
I for example would like him be in nigger chamber

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 04:13 Id: 86e3dd [Preview] No.92729 del
Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber? Lots of niggers are evil. I'm not saying focus on them, because they're dumb footsoldiers for jews the real enemy. But hey, Dante's Inferno should be updated for the modern era.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=eGci8By2G8s [Embed]

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 17:50 Id: ebb50a [Preview] No.92738 del
>Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber?
anyone who doesnt but why to argue about such petty thing that devolves into spastic screaming of who and where has monopoly on afterlife

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Sweden not in Nato before the end of this week Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 18:44 Id: 1fb649 [Preview] No. 92739 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Washington was supposed to take a delegation of Swedes who would travel there with a Nato paper (which already has a Hungarian sign on it)

But USA abruptly cancelled it. They say it will happen "within 2 weeks".

Sweden is in Nato immediately once the paper has been vaulted in USA.

Israel Videos You Need To See!!! Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 23:26 Id: 38fb51 [Preview] No. 91672 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Israel Videos You Need To See!!!

Israel Controls The USA

https://www.bitchute.com/video/QvDJwjY47XuJ/ [Embed]

Former CIA Officer-- Israel Controls U.S. Government And Media

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WIHKoujom51C/ [Embed]

Netanyahu- We Control America

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Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 13:04 Id: 3e3c41 [Preview] No.91683 del
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I've seen all these but maybe others haven't.
Also here. Let me update that image for you.

This is what it looks like when a Jewish CEO decides you aren't allowed on the Internet dev/null 11/14/2023 (Tue) 21:46 Id: b63a7f [Preview] No. 91637 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Cogent is an Israeli company run out of Poland, for those who don't know. The CEO (writing the email reply) is Dave Schaffer

This is a global account manager at once of the largest ISPs in the world. His job is to sell bandwidth. He is supposed to connect computers together. Instead, his concern is "anti-LGBTQ messaging".

This is the future. These are the people who think they get to decide what is on the Internet. Homeopathic 'medicine' scams, tranny grooming forums, hacker/warez sharing sites, and Islamic terrorist groups are all welcome…but dare not to offend the LGBTQPedos, or your right to free speech will be limited to as far as your own WiFi will reach.

(disclaimer: I am not Joshua Moon)

Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 04:26 Id: 5c74dd [Preview] No.91648 del
See: >>>/news/21734
If (((Joe Biden))) gets his way, jews will flat out control the entire internet. Every ISP. IDs required to access all sites. Anonymity completely gone.

Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 01:14 Id: 9792ec [Preview] No.91817 del
Crazy how they want to stifle free speech, huh?
It never made any sense to me. Wouldn't you want to know who fucking hates your guts instead of them harboring all that shit on the inside until they fucking kill you?

Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 02:01 Id: 5c74dd [Preview] No.91819 del
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Yes it would make more sense for jews to allow such spaces so they could keep track, but they don't think logically.

Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 07:33 Id: bca316 [Preview] No.91825 del
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Because jewish mind is set on total control and that optic of theirs is based on pure narcissism and cognitive dissonance

For example they just cannot accept just like people with npd that things dont go or work like they want to and try anything possible to think it will work like they think of
Simply said their minds work as mind of NPD patient and supposed high iq is just their delusion in trickery and chicanery

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Israeli Media Reports Israeli Scientists Were Developing Coronavirus Vaccine Before Coronavirus Pandemic Anonymous Board owner 03/23/2020 (Mon) 10:09 Id: 440354 [Preview] No. 79042 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share this video across social media with throwaway accounts. They will ban you. Keep coming back.

Thanks to the anon who posted this in the COVID-19 thread. Now is the perfect time to make people realize this information. The Corona virus isn't the Black Plague. Those with weak immune systems have been dying. What is causing the chaos, lack of supplies and hoarding is fear mongering by jewish media. It's important to bring realization of this and that jews own the media.
-BO. The article begins here:
According to the Jerusalem Post, a Jewish Israeli newspaper, scientists in “Israel” are weeks away from developing a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. The Israeli behavior as it pertains to coronavirus has already been as suspicious as it gets, as AIPAC, a front for “Israel”, has covered up the coronavirus cases there and who had contact with the infected attendees. The Jerusalem Post reported that the “Israeli” Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis said that “Israel” could have a coronavirus vaccine tested in a couple weeks and available in only 90 days. The Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) has been working on a coronavirus vaccine BEFORE the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Chen Katz MIGAL’s biotechnology group leader made an eye opening statement on this fact that they were developing a coronavirus vaccine BEFORE the pandemic. “Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology. Benjamin Netanyahu famously said that Israel’s relationship with China is a marriage made in heaven, “Israel” gives China control of major ports such as the one in Haifa. “Israel”-China keep getting closer on the field of technology, and when Trump talks about intellectual property theft by China, it is usually done through “Israel”. You won’t see China’s liar Zhao Lijin say anything about these admissions of “Israel” preparing a vaccine for the coronavirus before the pandemic, because they are two good friends and China has gotten a lot from “Israel”.

-Andrew from Praecursator 007 reported

315 posts and 233 images omitted.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:17 Id: e7a7f6 [Preview] No.91722 del
So, which one of those screenshots show your kike? You can't be seriousy impying all of them? It's just stupid and malicious to mark everyone who disagrees with you as kike.

Anonymous Board owner 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:33 Id: 74ebfd [Preview] No.91723 del
Every single screenshot. That is the same person. I can identify him by his style. It never changes. This has nothing to do with labeling someone I disagree with. It has everything to do with the fact that loser has been pestering the board for years. Read them. Take the time to.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:38 Id: e7a7f6 [Preview] No.91724 del
I know for a fact that you have misfired once, at me. Which means there is no trust to your words or your style detector.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:55 Id: bdcb40 [Preview] No.91726 del
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Then why you dont go in /endpolmeta/ where some are still there.
And on detection and assumptions i can say same dementia on you in section if he "hates tyranny" critique of gestapo (and essumption you think of that boomer tier shilling fallacy that nsdap now rules and is responsivle for all of the destabilization caused to everyone) is tool of tyranny and thus NS is tyranny and evil
I beg you to read that post again and yet even more careful the
>Now instead of worrying about criminals, you also need to be avoid the Gestapo and terrorist bombings that are a response to tyranny.

Anonymous Board owner 11/25/2023 (Sat) 13:01 Id: 74ebfd [Preview] No.91728 del
You refuse to read the mountain of evidence provided from screenshots of that robotic idiot's messages for years ongoing. The obvious copied and pasted garbage even a five year old could tell is the same. Who's malicious and stupid now? Are you enjoying defending a Gestapo hating (literally only National Socialist police) jew on a National Socialist board? Because this anon made a very valid point >>91726
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/25/2023 (Sat) 13:02.

Poll Shows 30 Million Young People In U.S. Believe Holocaust™ Is A Myth Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 13:18 Id: cf93db [Preview] No. 91943 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
According to a new poll, millions of young Americans are smashing down the walls that the Jews have constructed to protect their fragile myth of the Holocaust — and the Jews are in a state of shock and disbelief:

“The fact that one in five young Americans believes the Holocaust is a myth, according to a new survey, is a figure so preposterous that the [Jewish] mind wants to discard and ignore it…This was the approach taken last week by the Economist which, apparently bamboozled, published precisely five paragraphs on its own exclusive YouGov poll from which the finding came. But the facts bear repeating. Some 20 per cent of Americans aged 18-29 stated that the Holocaust is a myth, compared to 8 per cent of those aged 30-44. A further 30 per cent of young people said they do not know if the Holocaust is a myth. So that is 50 per cent of young Americans who either [reject the fraud] the Holocaust outright or at the very least question it. The random sample of 1,500 American adults found that the number of Holocaust [truthers] is similar across all levels of education. YouGov estimates the margin for error at 3 per cent. Frankly, if the margin for error was 50 per cent it would still be enough for the average reader’s brain to want to reject the offending information as impossible. But what if instead of an anomalous inflation of antisemitic attitudes, the survey is an undercount? Surely most Holocaust [rejectors] or sceptics — aware of how loathsome their views are to the wider world — would be reluctant to share their opinions openly with a pollster from YouGov? If anything, the numbers could be higher.

TikTok — the social media app of choice for the 18-29 generation — is the [glorious result] in which this new strain of antisemitism and Holocaust [rejection of the fraud] is being cultured. Americans under 30 are as likely to trust information on social media as they are to trust national news organisations, a 2022 Pew Research Centre survey found. Pew also found that 32 per cent of people aged 18-29 are getting their news from TikTok. That is worth saying again: getting their news from TikTok. Just last week, Jewish TikTok employees revealed that the firm “no longer has any control” over its 40,000 moderators who do little to stop antisemitic posts, and that colleagues openly express Jew-hatred on an internal chat. The story had surprisingly little pick-up in the US, and one wonders if the lucrative contracts some media organisations have with TikTok are relevant. Sacha Baron Cohen last month accused TikTok of “creating the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis”. A spokesperson for TikTok told Fox News: “Hateful ideologies, including antisemitism, are not and have never been allowed on our platform. From October 7, we have removed more than 1.1 million videos in the conflict region for breaking our rules, including content promoting Hamas, hate speech, terrorism and misinformation.” The row comes against the backdrop of a society where being an activist is mandatory. Fighting for social justice is required on applications to top universities and looked on favourably in workplaces. One must pick a cause. But that cause can be hard to choose when you’re being fed a diet of misinformation that you might wrongly assume has had its tyres at least gently kicked by fact-checkers. No action, at least in the short term, will be taken against the Chinese-owned TikTok, which has more than 150 million users in the US. Last week it was announced that Congress will not take up legislation this year that would allow the Biden administration to move against TikTok. Republican frontrunners for president have vowed to ban it. A day of reckoning may be coming for [THE FUCKING KIKES], but it will only be after it has persuaded vast numbers of young Americans of grotesque lies about the Holocaust [fraud]. A [deprogramming] of American minds corrupted by [FOUL JEW] propaganda may be needed.” [continued]

Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 13:18 Id: cf93db [Preview] No.91944 del
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The results of this poll should not surprise Jews or anyone for that matter — a 2019 survey showed that Holocaust propaganda was failing miserably to appeal to young people.

And according to a Jewish professor at Harvard University, Holocaust education programs targeting young people have failed to show any reduction in “antisemitism”.

And according to Germany’s ambassador to Israel, Holocaust [Rejection] “has succeeded in becoming a social and international phenomenon.”

Even a recent survey in “de-nazified” Germany found that 40% of the population thought that Jews talked too much about the Holocaust — or in the words of Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

When Jonathan Greenblatt — the CEO of the Jewish supremacist organization, the ADL — concedes that the Holocaust “could be a hoax”, you have no one to blame but yourselves for skepticism about this fictional event to metastasize.

American minds have not been “radicalized” by Hamas — rather with the advent of the internet, they have realized there are innumerable sources of information outside traditional mainstream media that Jews own and control. And Jews have openly expressed their “frustration” that they no longer have a monopoly on information sources — and their version of reality is no longer unchallenged.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 13:19 Id: cf93db [Preview] No.91945 del
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But as Nobel Prize-winning author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, wrote, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”


Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 13:35 Id: cf93db [Preview] No.91946 del
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Here is a breakdown for those who still believe in the myth and are therefore dysfunctionally retarded, unable to apply basic elementary school math.