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R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 1

Gas the jews

I hate niggers.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Chinese and Japanese scientists can develop a genetic weapon that will drive peoples delirium.

Human neurons cant hardly detect radio waves above 50 Hz.

If people's nerve cells could detect radio signals above 50hz, neurons would go delirium because they couldn't process the information coming from these signals at the same time.

Sharks can do this. Lorenz bulbs in sharks are capable of detecting signals above 50hz.

Using this knowledge, Chinese and Japanese scientists can develop a genetic weapon that will drive peoples delirium.

Using shark genes, Chinese and Japanese scientists could develop a genetic weapon that would enable human neurons to produce Electroreception proteins.

Chinese scientists can give the Electroreception genetic weapon they developed to Russian Intelligence.

R: 1 / I: 3 / P: 1

USA Intelligence gives PKK and YPG members "secret inspiration in Hebrew"

USA Intelligence gives PKK and YPG members "secret inspiration in Hebrew"

USA Intelligence poisons the subconscious minds of PKK and YPG members "by giving secret inspirations in Hebrew" in electromagnetic frequencies and infrared wavelengths in the range of 20hz-20khz and 300mhz-3ghz.

The reason why US Intelligence poisoned PKK and YPG members subconscious minds with Hebrew is because the subliminal poisoning process is done in Hebrew.

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 1

MOSSAD that protects Edward Snowden.

MOSSAD that protects Edward Snowden.

It is MOSSAD, not the State of Russia, that protects Edward Snowden against the USA in Russia.

Edward Snowden is protected by MOSSAD.

USA Intelligence should be a deterrent not against Russia but against MOSSAD to kidnap Edward Snowden. He must negotiate with MOSSAD to kidnap Edward Snowden.

MOSSAD disclosed confidential information through Edward Snowden to take revenge on the USA.

Russia was the most suitable place to protect Edward Snowden in order not to break relations with the USA.

That's why MOSSAD chose Russia to protect Edward Snowden.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

Donald Trump has a brainchip in brain it's evident how he behaves he is controlled he has a packed with the devil.

Donald Trump has a brainchip in brain it's evident how he behaves he is controlled he has a packed with "the electronic devil".

The brainchip inside Donald Trump's brain is managed by control center in Switzerland.

This control center used to be controlled by MOSSAD.

American military intelligence understand the secret message.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

What can USA citizens who MOSSAD has brainchip implanted in their skull ?

What can USA citizens who MOSSAD has brainchip implanted in their skull ?

He will buy an advanced multimeter or oscilloscope with frequency measuring capability.

Will buy ready circuit NE555 pulse modulator with high frequency range.

"USA citizens who MOSSAD has brainchip implanted" will open the frequency measuring part of the multimeter and press its probes on the left and right sides of the skull.

He will note the frequency on the multimeter's display. The frequency he noted is the operating frequency of the chip in his skull.

By entering the frequency it noted into the NE555 square wave modulator, the ready circuit will operate the device by pressing the signal output cables of the modulator to the left and right of the skull.

The frequency generated by the modulator will resonate with the operating frequency of the hidden chip placed in the victim's skull, and the hidden chip will be broken.

Valid for USA Citizens.

Only USA citizens can do these methods. It is dangerous and prohibited for non-USA citizens to use these methods.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Swiss Intelligence is MOSSAD itself

The real structuring of MOSSAD is not in Israel. The real structuring of MOSSAD is in Switzerland and Turkey.

A simple tip to US Intelligence "Swiss Intelligence=MOSSAD"

USA and UK can start their works on MOSSAD from Switzerland.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Hitler and those who praise the nazi do not question the important points.

Hitler and those who praise the nazi do not question the important points.

In order to be an enemy to something, you need to know the most important features of that thing.

The most important feature of the Jews is that they hide their identities. There are Muslim and Christian crypto-Jews in history. The Jews derive their main power not from secret societies and wealthy Jewish barons, but from Muslim and Christian-looking crypto-Jews.

Is there a work done by the Nazis to decipher crypto-Jews? The Nazis could not even recognize the crypto-Jews among themselves.

Although Jews tend to be irreligious, they value metaphysical power. Jewish Metaphysics draws its strength from the lands of Palestine.

Why didn't the Nazis invade Palestine? The moment he realized why Nazi Germany was defeated, he did not poison Palestine with chemicals and radioactive substances.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

4chan fag here

got bored so lookin for new imageboards
>is endchan dead?
>if not, what boards are fun?
>which imageboard(s) do you guys browse?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

The Fallback

So how do you feel about 8-chan becoming a shithole (implying it allready isn't), and the floods of immigrants jumping ship?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 2

this crazy bitch is too easy, go shitpost at her she will freak the fuck out

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2


R: 2 / I: 6 / P: 2



R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Just B.E. yourself!

The B stands for B.E. and the E stands for Eventually. Because of its recursive nature, you will never be yourself in trying to B.E. yourself as nobody likes you for who you are!
