what we'll need updated team rosters good color commentators (auditions soon) dank OC
hopockets edit: guys if you're going to make a thread on another board be sure to check if there already is one most boards have been cool with us but just make sure to not be shitting up another board and annoying the mod team.
teams that are done /ggrevolt/cyber/a/ and /tv/
----------------------------------------------------- This is just a fallback in case 8chan shits the bed. Feel free to copy your OPs from https://8ch.net/icup/ over to here. BO of /icup/, you can have this board worst comes to worst. I don't really want to take your spot, you're doing a fine job.
shitboarding is like an imageboard's fiat currency. sure making more boards will stimulate discussion in the short term, but it's just causing inflation and a bankruptcy of interest in the future. This site is already becoming difficult to navigate. pls stahp adding useless boards