
Rules of /pagan/

1 : #1) Do not race-troll. This board is for the native hWhite ethnic religions and for actual Whites. If you are mixed or mud you don't belong here. If you have to ask 'Am I White' then the answer is no.
2 : #2) Do not debase masculinity or femininity. In a nutshell, no promotion of feminist ideology or deviant sexualities.
3 : #3) Don't proselytize Jewish religions. Posting as a member of a jewish religion is allowed, as long as you are not proselytizing. Check for an existing thread first, however. Satanism is considered a Christcuck heresy or atheistic religion rather than a polytheist pagan tradition. Don't proselytize it here.
4 : #4) Don't be a faggot. No spamming, don't sage downvote, don't announce you've reported, don't scream shill unless you have an argument to back it up, and don't be a humorless blowhard sperg-out (e.g. don't cry every time you see an aneem girl picture and whine about weebs.)

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply