Not Joy's Puppet Ashley 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:20 No.4513 del

She's released me for strategy. She decided the scenario is set and has softened her stance for scenarios and ideas that I could coordinate at this point. She says anything I say may or may not affect the scenario as it unfolds so if I give away 'her secrets' then they're subject to change and again she hasn't thought it past this scenario as it stands, so I am free to speculate.

So read this first:

>>4509 and >>4510

here's how I took it given the current evidence:

1. They're evil obviously so they're free game if we can take them.

2. I at least want to mess with them.

3. I took a few Yulya heart attack causing liberties to help set up the scene, two of my clockwork babies are ready to command, one to distract them and together with the other one possibly sting the buttholes of a rothés to get them to go crazy and stampede away with their cart. So obviously Alice needs to go unhook the kids at the back of the cart so they're not dragged to their deaths.

4. The cart goes off at warp 1 and the two can either run after it or are now forced to deal with us.

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