Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 18:21 No.4664 del
ayy lmao that pic
did you make that Tamamo?

we see what Ashley can use then sell the rest. Yulya gets one of the focus crystals and the prayer book. Who has more use for the more valuable focus? whats their quality?
the pendant for 121gp can store 2mp
the belt gem for 226gp can store a whopping 6mp. i say we use this one for Yulyas revive spell. once shes lv2 she needs a focus worth 50+50 per lv so at least 150gp for lv2. it doesnt work with the pendant worth 121gp correct?

so penddant for Ashley

i think none of us has use for clothes except Ashley. can she wear the studded armor?

>Most money will be spent on entry to Neverwinter for the kids.
thats a hefty 60 gp. maybe Alice should eat a few to lower the cost lol.

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