Sleepy Ashley 06/25/2024 (Tue) 02:05 No.4748 del
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Cat is queen of the party, MVP!

I don't always lie, but when I do it's because I'm good at it.

>persuasion is not about lying but acting in good faith

smh, I for one think Joy is doing an exemplary job! Hurrah and huzzah! I never saw her as so industrious, but she's a machine, not at all like 4 lazy horses I know.

That's just good content. It's creepy, cool, and useful, good job Alice!

I hope Yulya doesn't self destruct again. Be strong girl! Girl boss time! We need to get strong so we can just kill everything that's causing so much trouble for poor old Neverwinter and their faithful guards. Peace through strength... and murder!!!

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