Alice 07/08/2024 (Mon) 19:14 No.4893 del
>'Stop right there, criminal scum!'
I honestly expected something like that but the guards are alright! There's a lot of valuable stuff in our cart that needs to be guarded, should have taken most of the loot with us.

>not all gods are evil
[citation needed]
I guess it lies in the eye of the beholder. I will put them to the test now!

>Leveling is something of a shortcut.
Yes, I have seen such 'shortcuts' to power that plunged entire worlds into a hell of neverending nightmares. That's why I'm wary about gifts offered by gods. Be it the Golden Man or the Winged Creature. For both we are mere chess pieces or mildly entertaining toys. Not that the Winged Creature isn't fun and indeed quite helpful, but it's a very dangerous alliance. Well, we will learn about their commitment soon!

>I have a feeling she's just trying to get the meat for our dinner.
Original plan is cancelled - or rather combined with the original-original plan.
I'm going all out!