Ashley 07/22/2024 (Mon) 02:03 No.5083 del
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>Alice & Ashley are our stealth pros and Yulya can keep searching the area around the cart and have Cat shoot anything that shows up.

Yulya and Cat will potentially fight Goblins and hobgoblins and perhaps Orcs while Alice and I sneak into a goblin nest alone...

Dang... We could deliver the carts to Phandalin then come back for them, where are we?


Less than a half a day to Phandalin right? I say we drop off the cart, get it secured, then tomorrow morning, rush back up here and handle it together. Something tells me it's suicide to split up when those two couldn't manage it alone.

As much as I want to run in and rescue Gundren... after 2 days delay... what's another 24 hours? Would it help them if we go in completely unprepared and understaffed?

Granted we can't even deliver the supplies wholesale without a trade token, we can secure it there at least.